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高二英語教案:《Saving the earth總復(fù)習(xí)》教學(xué)設(shè)計(7)

來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理 2018-11-21 11:37:52

  happen還可表示"碰巧",此時不能用于進行時態(tài),主要用于"happen to do"或"It (so/just) happened that..."結(jié)構(gòu)中。如:① I happened to be out when he came. 他來時我碰巧不在。② The famous actor happened to be her brother. 那位著名的演員碰巧是她哥哥。

  【鏈接】as it happens意為"碰巧,說來也湊巧"。如:I don't have my ID card with me now, as it happens. 碰巧我沒帶身份證。

  【辨析】happen;occur;take place:happen主要指事件或事故的偶然發(fā)生。/ occur常指意外或預(yù)料、計劃中的事情發(fā)生。/ take place指有計劃、有準(zhǔn)備的事情,一般不含有偶然性,有時有"舉行"的意思。三者都不是及物動詞,不能用于被動語態(tài)。① When did the explosion happen/occur? 爆炸是在什么時候發(fā)生的?  ② When will the wedding take place? 婚禮將在何時舉行?  ③ A leap year Occurs every four years. 每四年有一次閏年。

  2) stay此處用作連系動詞,意為"維持、保持(原有狀態(tài))",其后常接副詞、介詞短語、形容詞或名詞。如:① Don't turn off here;stay on this road. 別在這兒拐彎,順著這條路繼續(xù)走。② The price has gone down, but I doubt whether it will stay down. 物價下跌了,但我懷疑

  是否能保持不漲。③ The weather has stayed warm all week. 整個一周天氣都很暖和。 ④ The shop stays open till eight in the evening. 商店一直營業(yè)到晚上八點。⑤ I stayed awake throughout the storm night. 那個暴風(fēng)雨的夜晚我未曾合眼。⑥ He never got promoted,and stayed a private during all his time in the army. 他從未得到提升,在軍隊里一直是個士兵。

  【辨析】stay;remain 兩者在表示"仍處于原來的狀態(tài)之下"意思時可互換。stay側(cè)重短時期的狀語,remain側(cè)重長期的狀態(tài)。① This letter remained/stayed in my drawer all day. 這封信在我抽屜里放了一整天。 ② It was not yet light, so it was easy to stay hidden. 開還沒亮,因此很容易藏起來。③ We must always remain modest and prudent. 我們必須總是保持謙虛謹慎。④ The weather will stay fine for a few days. 天氣有望能晴幾天。⑤ They never remained satisfied with their success. 他們從不滿足于自己的成績。

  17. Many speakers also spoke about poverty, war, and violence. 許多發(fā)言者也講到了貧窮、戰(zhàn)爭及暴力。(p.68 Reading 第二段 第1行)

  violence是不可數(shù)名詞,意為"暴力;暴行;(行動或感情表現(xiàn)出的)強烈力量;猛烈;激烈"。如:① Many people say too much violence is shown on television. 許多人都說電視上出現(xiàn)的暴力鏡頭太多。② Whatever happens, I will never use violence. 無論如何,我絕不使用暴力。③ You don't know the violence of her anger. 你不知道她的憤怒有多激烈。④ The wind blew with great violence. 風(fēng)刮得很猛。⑤ The violence of his words alarmed her. 他言辭的激烈使她震驚。

  【拓展】violent是violence的形容詞形式,意為"(人) 粗暴的;猛烈的;激烈的"。如:① The mad man was violent and had to be locked up. 這個精神病患者很兇暴,不得不把他鎖起來。② She was in a violent temper and began throwing things about. 她大發(fā)脾氣,亂扔起東西來。③ I had a violent toothache. 我牙疼得很厲害。

  【注意】do violence to 對......施暴;歪曲事實; violent with violence 猛烈地

  18. If we are to develop the world successfully, we must make sure that everyone is able to take part in the new world we create. 如果我們想成功地推動世界的發(fā)展,我們就必須確保每個人都能加入到我們創(chuàng)造的新世界里來。(p.68 Reading 第二段 第1行)

  "be + 動詞不定式"結(jié)構(gòu)在本句中表示"計劃、打算(=be going to)"。如:① We are to go to town this afternoon. 下午我們打算去城里。② We are to meet again 0n Sunday evening. 我們星期六晚上再見。③ The line is to be opened to traffic on National Day. 這條鐵路將在國慶節(jié)通車。④ The Queen is to visit Japan next year. 女王將明年訪問日本。

  【拓展】"be + 動詞不定式"的常見用法還有:(1) 表示命令,意為"必須,不得不 (= must,have to)"。如:You are to do your homework before you watch TV. 你得做完了作業(yè)才能看電視。(2) 表示可能性,相當(dāng)于can,主要用于疑問句和否定句。如:① How am I to know what has become of him? 我怎么知道他的遭遇呢? ② Not a sound was to be heard. 一點聲音也不可能聽到。(3) 表示假設(shè)。如:Certain skills must be learned if one is to use English effectively. 如果想要有效地使用英語,某些技巧是必須得學(xué)的。(4) 表示目的。如:This house is to be let or sold. 這房子出租或出售。(5) 表示結(jié)果。如:He was to blame for not locking the door. 沒有鎖門是他的過錯。(6) 表示命運注定,通常用于過去時。如:He came to power, but he was to pay dearly for it: soon he was assassinated. 他得到了權(quán)力,但是卻也為此付出了昂貴的代價:不久他就被暗殺了。(7) 用來征求對方意見。如:What are we to do during the weekend? 我們周末干什么好呢? (8) 用于第二人稱,有時表示轉(zhuǎn)達別人的指示。如:Here is a message for you from your head-teacher: you are to go to her office after class. 你的班主任帶給你一個口信,要你下課后到她的辦公室去。

  19. All too often, global development means that rich people get richer while the poor get poorer. 通常情況是全球性發(fā)展意味著富人越富而窮人越窮。(p.68 Reading 第二段 第3行)






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