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高二英語教案:《Sailing the Oceans》教學設計

來源:網絡整理 2018-11-21 11:34:13

高二英語教案:《Sailing the Oceans》教學設計

  Part Two: Teaching Resources

  Section 3: Words and expressions from Unit 2

  Sailing the oceansmercynoun (pl. -ies)

  1. [U] a kind or forgiving attitude towards sb that you have the power to harm or right to punish  humanity: to ask / beg / plead for mercy  They showed no mercy to their hostages.  God have mercy on us.  The troops are on a mercy mission (= a journey to help people) in the war zone. 2. [C, usually sing.] (informal) an event or a situation to be grateful for, usually because it stops sth unpleasant: It's a mercy she wasn't seriously hurt.  His death was a mercy (= because he was in great pain.

  at the mercy of sb/sth not able to stop sb/sth harming you because they have power or control over you: I'm not going to put myself at the mercy of the bank.  We were at the mercy of the weather.

  leave sb/sth to the mercy / mercies of sb/sth to leave sb/sth in a situation that may cause them to suffer or to be treated badly: privatized companies left to the mercy of market forces  (humorous) I'll leave you to the tender mercies of these ladies!

  throw yourself on sb's mercy (formal) to put yourself in a situation where you must rely on sb to be kind to you and not harm or punish youlongsideprep.

  1. next to or at the side of sth: A police car pulled up alongside us.  a lifeboat moored alongside the yacht  Much of the land alongside the river is below sea level.  2. together with or at the same time as sth/sb: Traditional beliefs still flourish alongside a modern urban lifestyle.


  noun [C, U]

  1. the act of travelling through a place in order to find out about it or look for sth in it: the exploration of space  oil exploration (= searching for oil in the ground)2. an examination of sth in order to find out about it: the book's explorations of the human mindaccelerateverb

  1. to happen or to make sth happen faster or earlier than expected: [v] Inflation continues to accelerate.  [vn] Exposure to the sun can accelerate the ageing process.2. [v] (of a vehicle or person) to start to go faster: The runners accelerated smoothly around the bend.  The car accelerated to overtake me.secureadj.


  1. feeling happy and confident about yourself or a particular situation: At last they were able to feel secure about the future.  She finished the match, secure in the knowledge that she was through to the next round.


  2. likely to continue or be successful for a long time; safe: a secure job / income  It's not a very secure way to make a living.  The future of the company looks secure.

  3. ~ (against / from sth) that cannot be affected or harmed by sth: Information must be stored so that it is secure from accidental deletion.


  4. guarded and/or made stronger so that it is difficult for people to enter or leave: Check that all windows and doors have been made as secure as possible.  a secure unit for child offenders  The building is secure against intruders.FIRM5. not likely to move, fall down, etc.; stable: The aerial doesn't look very secure to me.  It was difficult to maintain a secure foothold on the ice.  (figurative) Our relationship was now on a more secure footing.verbGET STH

  1. ~ sth (for sb/sth)| ~ sb sth (formal) to obtain or achieve sth, especially when this means using a lot of effort: [vn] to secure a contract / deal  The team managed to secure a place in the finals.  She secured 2. 000 votes.  The delegation has secured the promise of a ceasefire.  [vn, vnn] He secured a place for himself at law school.  He secured himself a place at law school.


  2. [vn] ~ sth (to sth) to attach or fasten sth firmly: She secured the rope firmly to the back of the car.  The tables on board were secured firmly to the floor.


  3. [vn] ~ sth (against sth) to protect sth so that it is safe and difficult to attack or damage: to secure a property against intruders  The windows were secured with locks and bars.  (figurative) a savings plan that will secure your child's futureA LOAN4. [vn] to legally agree to give sb property or goods that are worth the same amount as the money that you have borrowed from them, if you are unable to pay the money back: a loan secured on the houserandomadj. [usually before noun] done, chosen, etc. without sb deciding in advance what is going to happen, or without any regular pattern: the random killing of innocent people  a random sample / selection (= in which each thing has an equal chance of being chosen)  The information is processed in a random order.nounat random without deciding in advance what is going to happen, or without any regular pattern: She opened the book at random (= not at any particular page) and started reading.  The terrorists fired into the crowd at random.  Names were chosen at random from a list.awkwardadj.





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