
熱門城市 | 全國 北京 上海 廣東

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東北地區(qū) | 遼寧 吉林 黑龍江

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西南地區(qū) | 重慶 四川 貴州 云南 西藏

西北地區(qū) | 陜西 甘肅 青海 寧夏 新疆

華南地區(qū) | 廣東 廣西 海南

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高二英語教案:《English around the world》教學設計(16)

來源:網絡整理 2018-11-21 11:18:35

  Step 5 Listening on Page 14

  1. Listen to the tape and find out the main idea.

  It is a story about_____________________________ when Buford ______________________.

  2. Listen to the tape and decide whether the following sentences are true or false.

  1) Buford lives in San Francisco, a city in Texas.(   )

  2) Buford's teacher is Big Billy Bob. (   )

  3) Buford believes Texas is a state in the USA. (   )

  4) Lester thought the catfish was going to eat him and then he got out of the water faster than lighting.(   )

  5) Since Lester has known that the cat fish won't eat people, he dares to swim in the river again.(   )

  3. Listen again and put these sentences in the right sequence. (EXX 3 in the text book)

  4. Answer the questions after listening.(EXX 4 in the text book)

  5. A small game. See if you can tell whether the speaker is American or British.

  1) Vocabulary "vacation" - We went on a two week vacation last month.

  British       American

  2)Vocabulary "eraser"-Could you pass me an eraser? I need to erase this mistake.

  British       American

  3) Vocabulary " stand in line" - We had to stand in line for three hours to get into the concert.

  British       American

  4) Expression with preposition " live in" - I live in Washington street.

  British       American

  5) Spelling "centre" -It's in the town centre.

  British       American

  Step6  Language study

  1.Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English.



  believe it or not


  Believe it or not, he has gone to England. 信不信由你,他已經去了英國。

  【知識鏈接】believe it or not 用作插入語。英語中常見的插入語有:

  to tell the truth 跟你說實話              to be honest老實說

  Judging by∕from 從...來判斷           generally speaking 一般說來

  in other words 換句話說                in a word 總而言之

  what's more 而且                      what's worse 更糟糕的是



  2. Geography also plays a part in making dialects.



  play a part/a role in


  She played an active part in the local community. 她積極參與地方活動。

  He played all kinds of roles in his life. 他一生扮演了各種各樣的角色。


  play a part in 意為____________, part前可以有active, important等詞來修飾。play a role in 意為___________. 這兩個短語都可以表示起作用、有貢獻





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