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高二英語教案:《the British Isles period》教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)

來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理 2018-11-21 10:53:34

高二英語教案:《the British Isles period》教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)

  Language points:

 、 The idea that England stands for Fish&Chips, Speaker's corner, Big Ben and the Tower of London is past.

 、舤hat引導(dǎo)的是一個(gè)同位語從句,用于說明idea的內(nèi)容 。同位語從句常用于說明idea, news, hope, wish, belief, fact, suggestion等抽象名詞的具體內(nèi)容,用以說明或解釋前面的名詞。連詞that 沒有詞義,不充當(dāng)句子成份,但不可省略 。

  E.g. The news that team has won the game is exciting.

  引導(dǎo)同位語從句的詞除that外,還有連接副詞how, when,where等

  e.g. I have no idea when jack will be back.

  He can't answer the question how he got the money.

  ⑵ stand for  a.代表,象征,意味著E.g. WTO stands for World Health Organization.

  b.贊同,支持,主張 e.g. What principles do you stand for?

 、 narrow 狹窄的,狹隘的,險(xiǎn)勝的

  A narrow river/steet  a narrow idea about relics   a narrow  escape(九死一生)

 、尝 be made up of =consist of 由...組成

  E.g. The group is made up of five members. = The group consists of five members.

 、 be unknown to sb.不為人所知道E.g. The cause of the delay is still unknown to us.

  ⒋ ...there has been a growing movement to make the most of its cultural diversity-to see it as it  really is, a nation of different countries held together by a common language and culture.

 、舖ake the most of充分利用,也可以說make the best of

  E.g. He wished to make the most of his chance.

  ⑵ diversity 多種多樣,多樣性

  E.g. Mary has a great diversity of hobbies such as stamp collecting, travelling.

  ⑶as it is 以現(xiàn)在的樣子,根據(jù)下面的情況看

  E.g. I'll send it to you as it is, (我就照現(xiàn)在的樣子賣給你) but don't complain, if it doesn't work.

 、 hold together 使不分開或團(tuán)結(jié)一致

  E.g. The needs of the children held their marriage together.

 、耽舠eparate A from B 把A與B分隔開,指把混在一起的或連在一快的分開

  E.g. She separated the good apples from the bad ones.

  Divide ...into 指把整體分成部分E.g. A year is divided into twelve months.

 、芶t one point在某一地點(diǎn);一度E.g. A traffic accident happened at one point yesterday.

  At one point, he was very weak.

 、盯 in general總的說來,大體上,通常

  E.g. In general, people like her.

 、 throughout the year 整年,一年到頭throughout 貫穿,介詞

  E.g. He worked hard throughout the year to support his family.

 、 receive 動詞,收到,接到






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