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您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 > 高考資源網(wǎng) > 高中教案 > 高二英語教案 > 高二英語教案:《English around the world》教學(xué)設(shè)計(14)







高二英語教案:《English around the world》教學(xué)設(shè)計(14)

來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理 2018-11-21 11:18:35


  本節(jié)課以掌握文中出現(xiàn)的重要單詞、詞組各種表達(dá)和用法以及間接引語的用法為主,現(xiàn)在叫做language study課,以我的理解就是過去的語言點講解及語法課。雖然內(nèi)容一樣,但教學(xué)方式發(fā)生了根本的變化。在新課程的理念下,教學(xué)不應(yīng)以知識的講解為主,而應(yīng)培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的綜合語言運用能力。具體而言,就是要發(fā)展學(xué)生用英語進(jìn)行交流的能力,用英語獲取信息、處理信息的能力,用英語進(jìn)行思維的能力。詞匯教學(xué)不能沿襲過去的方式:列出一條條語言點和用法,讓學(xué)生抄寫,做筆記。而應(yīng)盡量運用圖片、照片、視頻、音樂、身勢語等方式來呈現(xiàn)單詞和詞組,讓學(xué)生在具體情境中體驗它們的意義和用法。這是我設(shè)計這堂課的基本理念。


  Before class

  Task 2 fluently; native; vocabulary; apartment; elevatorIn classStep 1 Check-up

  1. vocabulary     2. latter      3. fluently   4. gradually    5. actually

  6. identity        7. official     8. communicate   9. voyage  10. spellingStep II1. 比......多,超過; 不只是,不僅;  十分,非常;短語識境: (1) more than (2) more than (3) no more than (4) not ... more than 2.  在航海中。(1) journey; (2)on voyage; (3)tour.  (4)Travels; (5) trip 3. 名詞; 句子;  A   4. 走近;上來;發(fā)芽;流行;發(fā)生;被提出;上升。(1) at  (2) down (3) across (4) about  (5) out  (6) to 5. 以......為基礎(chǔ); base...on/upon...或be based on/upon...; 基礎(chǔ);基部;基地。(1) is based on  (2) base  (3) base 6. 現(xiàn)在,目前;(1) present  (2) present;  present national situation. 7. 利用;好好利用......;充分利用.......。D 8. (1) that is (2) for example  (3) such as  (4)  for example 9. ......的數(shù)量;單數(shù);許多;復(fù)數(shù);B

  StepⅢ 鞏固提高

  1. come up;   At present;   because of;    such as;   make use of

  2. Because of the importance of English and its wide use, it is more and more necessary for everyone to learn English well. But how to learn English well as well as to be a fluent English speaker?

  First, You should set up certain vocabulary. Listening, speaking, reading and writing of language is based on the vocabulary. Secondly, learning English needs insistence. You should make good use of every minute to study. In addition, to read more English books or newspaper is very helpful. At present, there are a large number of English readings , such as 21st century, bookworm series books etc. Another useful method is to communicate with others, especially foreigners who are English native speakers, and they will give you some good advice on learning. Thus, your English level will gradually be improved.

  Step Ⅳ Discovering useful structures

  1.       He told me that I was younger than him. 2. He asked me that if I often came here to read newspaper. 3. He asked where I lived. 1) ask; to  2) told; to 3) order; to 4) Dr. Bethune; him 1) 請求;ask sb. to do 2)命令;order sb. to do; Give; to

  2.     牛刀小試 ⅰ1. asked; not to 2. asked; to; him; his 3. ordered; to use his 4. told; not to spend 5. told; to sleep; get

 、1. The teacher told me to write a letter to my parents.

  2. Mother ordered me not to play games in the classroom.

  3. Peter said that it was a fine day and asked me to go to the country for a picnic with him.

  4. He told Tom not to do the work any more.

  5. Mrs. Green asked Miss White to sing them a song.

  6. Mrs. Wilson told the children to be quiet.

  7. Mother told me to come back before 10∶00.

  8. She told me not to look out of the window.

  課后回顧 1. D 2. C  3. B   4. B

  Period Three  Reading & Language study

  主備人:劉長玲 修訂人:;李桂霞 審核人:李俊艷 編制時間:2010.08


  1. 通過閱讀了解美國方言及產(chǎn)生的原因;

  2. 通過聽力盡一步感受美國方言;

  3. 識記并掌握下列單詞或短語的用法:believe it or not; play a part in; recognize






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