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您現在的位置:首頁 > 高考資源網 > 高中教案 > 高二英語教案 > 高二英語教案:《Book 8 Unit 4 Pygmalion Period 1 Reading》教學設計(14)







高二英語教案:《Book 8 Unit 4 Pygmalion Period 1 Reading》教學設計(14)

來源:網絡整理 2018-11-21 11:09:47

  Step 6 Language study


  1) C  2). (1) A(2)B


  1). B  2).單項填空(1)A(2)A(3)B   同義表達:taken away from  3). A

  After class


  I. 單詞拼寫:1.antique  2.hesitate  3.outcome  4.brilliant  5.adaptation

  II.句型轉換: 1.pronounced, guilty 2.classified, into  3.showed,around  4.showed off, the 5.the other day

  III. 單項填空: 1.B  2.B  3.C  4.D  5.B答案1. D  2. C   3. C  4. D    5. B    6.A    7. B    8. C    9. A  10. C

  11. D  12. D  13. C    14. D   15. A    16. D  17. C  18. A  19. C  20. D

  Book 8  Unit 4  Pygmalion

  Period Four Listening & Writing

  主備人:柴紀波 修訂人:黃傳秀 審核人:陳小芹 編制時間:


  Before class (課前自主學習,合作探究)

  Task 1  Learn the following useful phrases or sentences for writing.

  Teaching aims: Grasp the skills of expressing a passage according to a picture so as to train the speaking and writing abilities

  1. From the picture, we can see that...

  2. The picture tells us a story that...

  3. From the picture we learn that ...

  3. One day, a man was walking to school when...

  4.Onec upon a time, there lived a very famous man called...

  6.In a wrd, we should...

  7.So we must...

  8. They lived a happy life ever since.

  Task 2 Before listening to Act Two,Scene 2, discuss in pairs what you would have to do change Eliza into a lady, and then finish the talbe.

  Things that needed to be changed

  How to make the change  1.  1.  2.  2.  3. r  3.

  Task 3 some words and expressions for listening preparation.

  1.put your tongue forward _______   2. It's coming ___________

  3. swallow ___________           4. make effort ___________

  5. Never mind a little crying ______  6. once more ____________

  7. do sb. in ___________________   8. not likey _____________

  9. give sb. away ______________

  In class(課上交流展示、研討提升)

  Step 1 Check-up and lead in(展示預習成果和導入新課)

  Get two members of different groups to check up their prevision tasks.

  Step 2 Listening

  I. Listen to the material on Page 35 and make the correct choice.

  1. How many sentences does Higgins teach Eliza?

  A. Four   B. Three  C. Two

  2. from this scene we know that _____.

  A. Eliza is rather stupid   B. Higgins almost lost his patient   C. Eliza is a smart

  3. Eliaz shed tears because _____.

  A. she is punised by Higgins   B. she is too eager to learn well

  C. she found pronunciation hard

  II. Listen to the tape again and discuss how Eliza felt after her first lesson. Work in pairs and discuss the following questions.

  1. How did Eliza feel about her first lesson?


  2. How do you think Mrs. Pearce would comfort her?


  3.  How would Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering behave in the second lesson?


  Step 3 Writing

  Turn to page 36 and look at Part2. Read the instruction and write a scene in which Professor Higgins gives Eliza her second lesson. The simple version of the play is of use.





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