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高二英語教案:《Unit 1 Disneyland》教學設計(二)(2)

來源:網(wǎng)絡整理 2018-11-20 15:51:43

  Step 4 Reading

  Read the story about Walt Disney in your Student's Book again and then answer the questions.

  1. Who was Walt Disney?

  2. When and where was he born?

  3. Why did he go to a newspaper office with some of his pictures?

  4. What did his friends say to him after he was refused by the newspaper office?

  5. Why did he use to sit in the garage and draw pictures there?

  6. What happened one day when he was drawing pictures in the garage?

  7. Where did he move some years later?

  8. Did he try to find a job at the new place? What was the result?

  9. What did he begin to draw after he failed to find a job again?

  10. What else did he draw after his first cartoon character was well received?


  1.He was an American cartoon―maker and film―maker.

  2.He was born in Chicago in 1901.

  3.It's because he wanted to get a job there.

  4.They encouraged him and said: “ Don’t worry, Walt. We like your pictures. They are very good. We are sure you will be well―known as an artist before long.”

  5.Because his family was poor.

  6.He saw a mouse coming into the garage and played on the floor.

  7.Some years later, he moved to the west coast of the USA.

  8.No, he didn't. He was still unsuccessful.

  9.He began to draw the mouse.

  10.He drew Donald Duck, Snow White, The Three Little Pigs Build A House and something else after his first cartoon character was well received.

  Step 5 Language points

  1) take along 帶領、攜帶。含“一道帶來、隨身攜帶”的意思。如:

  2) in the hope of 抱有。。。的希望

  3) Be well-known as. = be famous as 作為。。。 而聞名

  4)lose heart 灰心,氣餒

  5) day after day; = for a number of days; continuously 天天地,日復一日地.作狀語,表示動.

  day by day 一天天地,逐漸地.強調(diào)動作的變化過程.

  in this way = by this means 以這種方法,用這種方式。

  6) be pleased with 對。。。感到滿意,喜歡





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