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高二英語教案:《Tomorrow’s world》教學設計(8)

來源:網(wǎng)絡整理 2018-11-21 11:59:40

  Food is kept in the fridge.

  The glass was broken by the boy.

  The windows and the door must be closed.

  Here we use the auxiliary verb be+ the past participle of the verb to form the passive voice. As different tenses are often used, the auxiliary verb be is used in the same tense as the active verb.

  2. Read Part 1 on page 48 to find out the difference between the active voice and the passive voice.

  3. Read the article Not just watching a film in the Reading section again and point out the sentences in the passive voice. Work out in what tenses these passive sentences are, and how the different tenses are formed.

  4. Go over Part 2 and make a list of the passive voice in different tenses.

  5. Go over the six points in Part 3 one by one.Point 1Usually the doer of the action needn't be mentioned in the passive sentence, but if it is needed, we use by to introduce the doer of the action. Point out the passive sentences without mentioning the doer in Not just watching a film and say why the doers of the actions are not used in these sentences. For example,

  ...How it can be used in other ways. (It is difficult to say who the doer is.)

  Upon reaching the top of the mountain, a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement will be experienced. (It is not necessary to mention the doer.)Point 2When a verb is followed by two objects, either of the objects can be used as the subject in the passive sentence. However, you should know the difference between using the person and the thing as the subject. Read the two sentences in this point and identify the difference. Change the sentences on the blackboard into the passive voice, using both objects as the subjects. For example,

  Our teacher often tells us some interesting stories in English.→

  We are often told some interesting stories in English.

  Some interesting stories are often told to us in English.

  My friends gave me some nice presents on my birthday.→

  I was given some nice presents on my birthday by my friends.

  Some nice presents were given to me on my birthday by my friends.

  My mother will make us a cake this Saturday.→

  We will be made a cake by my mother this Saturday.

  A cake will be made for us by my mother this Saturday.

  In the first sentence of each group, the emphasis is on the person, whereas in the second sentence the focus is on the thing.Point 3When an infinitive is used as an object complement after some verbs, such as make, see or hear, in the active voice, the infinitive maker to should be omitted, but if the sentence is changed into the passive voice, to should be used before the infinitive. More examples:

  I often hear the girl play the piano in the afternoon.→

  The girl is often heard to play the piano in the afternoon.

  The teacher makes his students write a composition every week.→

  The students are made to write a composition every week.Point 4get/become can also be used in the passive voice instead of be. For example,

  get broken, get burnt, get dismissed, get hurt, get killed, get lost, get married, get injured, get attacked, get paid

  My bike got stolen last night.

  You'd better get changed quickly, for the party will begin soon.

  This window seems to have got broken.Point 5Some verbs used in the active give a passive meaning. For example,

  This sweater washes well.

  The pen writes smoothly.

  This kind of English dictionaries sells well.Point 6Some transitive verbs cannot be used in the passive voice, for these verbs indicate states not actions. For example,

  I like pop songs and often listen to them.

  He has a big house near the river.

  You can depend on her to deal with the situation.

  6. Go over Part 4 and the tip box here. You will find out that there are two special sentence patterns which can be used in the passive voice. More examples for you:

  It is hoped that he will be better soon.

  It is reported that another manned satellite will be sent into the moon next month.





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