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高二英語(yǔ)教案:《Tomorrow’s world》教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)(16)

來(lái)源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理 2018-11-21 11:59:40

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  Project-Writing a science fiction story

  This section here is designed to help you improve your English through doing a project. In Part A, you will read three summaries of the science fiction stories written by some famous science fiction writers. You will learn what a science fiction story is like and how to write a science fiction story. The purpose of this section is to let you use what you have learnt to finish a project by working together. Use your imagination to think about what will happen in the future with the rapid development of science and technology. You can work in groups to discuss what kind of story you are going to make up. You are expected to know how to cooperate and how to fulfill each part of the work.Reading1. Read the first summary of the science fiction story. Answer the following questions:

  Where do the German professor and his nephew travel to?  (They travel to the centre of the Earth.)

  What do they see during their journey? (During the journey, they see a big underground ocean, a beautiful forest, ancient animals that have already disappeared in the world above.)

  How do they come back to the world above? (A volcano in southern Italy brings them back to the Earth's surface.)

  2. Read the second summary of the science fiction story. Find out answers to the following questions:

  What has the scientist invented? (He has invented a machine that can take him into the future.)

  What does he find when he travels to year AD 802,701? (He finds two kinds of creatures---the Eloi and the Morlocks. The Eloi are gentle and lazy people who are served by the Morlocks. The Morlocks are a group of people who work very hard and come out in the evening to eat the Eloi.)

  What is the world thirty million years into the future like? (The sun no longer shines in that world, so it is cold and scary.)

  3. Read the third summary and answer the following questions:

  What has happened to the three young people? (They are trapped in a lost spaceship which is traveling towards the planet Centaurus, at a speed of 40,000 kilometres per second.)

  How do they come back to the Earth? (They reach themselves astrophysics and with the help of force from a black hole, they are able to guide the lost spaceship safely back to the Earth.)

  4. Read the book review in Part A in your Workbook on page 100 and the essay in Part B on page 101 to know more about science fiction stories.

  5. Do Parts B1 and B2 on page 97 in your workbook, so you will be more familiar with the usage of some prepositions and the same words in different parts of speech.

  6. Do Parts D1 and D2 on page 99 in their Workbook as homework.

  Writing a science fiction storyPlanningDiscuss the four questions given in this part in groups of four, especially the third and fourth questions. Decide which topic from the list you are going to choose and write about.PreparingYou can sit together and brainstorm on the topic first and try to make the plot as interesting as possible. You can also surf the Internet to get much information as you can on this topic. You can discuss the information and decide the setting, storyline and characters of the story you are going to write. One of the group members can make an outline of the story, and each member of the group will be responsible for a part of the story.ProducingWrite the science fiction story based on the outline. After you have finished your part, put your parts together. Then you can proofread the story together and make necessary changes.PresentingEach group orally presents the general idea of your story to the whole class. Type your stories and make them into a book of science fiction stories, which will be the first book of your own and everyone in the class can share the interesting and exciting stories. After reading all the stories, you will have a discussion about the stories. Decide which story is the best.ResourcesJules Verne (1828-1905)

  As a popular French writer, Jules Verne is regarded as the father of science fiction, whose famous science fiction stories, such as Journey to the Centre of the Earth, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Around the World in Eighty Days, Five Weeks in the Balloon and From the Earth to the Moon, are liked by not only children but also adults all over the world. For more information, you can visit the following website:






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