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您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 > 高考資源網(wǎng) > 高中教案 > 高二英語教案 > 高二英語教案:《Poetry》教學(xué)設(shè)計(2)








來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理 2018-11-21 11:48:43

  Ss complete table 1 in groups by listing the words or phrases related to the weather and the time of day or year;[slide 8][學(xué)案Ex.Ⅱ(2)] 培養(yǎng)學(xué)生體會詩歌大意和捕捉詩歌細(xì)節(jié)信息的能力;IW, GW7'Step 5Second reading:

  T presents reading strategy 3;

  Ss read the two poems again; in pairs identify sentences in unusual order, reorder them in regular ways.

  T explains the verbal phrases:

  settle (oneself), be drowned in,pull in (one's head)

  [slide 9-10]


  分步處理生詞和短語的用法CW, PW10'Step 6Third reading:

  T presents reading strategy 2;

  Ss read the poems again and complete table 2 by identifying what people in the poems do and how they feel.

  [slide 11-12]


  培養(yǎng)學(xué)生提取主要信息的能力IW,5 'Step 7Ss listen to the tape and read after it.[slide 13]有聲輸入,整體感知詩歌的美感;CW,3'

  Post-reading: 7 minStep 8Ss do Ex.4[slide 14]檢測學(xué)生是否準(zhǔn)確獲取兩首詩的主要信息;IW,3'Step 9Ss in pairs retell what happened in poem B according to Table 2, with s1 retelling the first 6 stanzas and s 2 dealing with the last half.[slide 14]培養(yǎng)學(xué)生把提取的信息變成自己的語言;把poem B 分成兩部分來復(fù)述,降低輸出的難度。PW'4'HomeworkLanguage Power p. 84,Ex.2 Vocabulary

  p 91, Ex.5 Synonyms[slide 15]第二課時

  Second Period


  1. 發(fā)現(xiàn)詩歌中韻腳的使用;

  2. 找到詩句中塑造的意象;

  3. 總結(jié)兩首詩的從內(nèi)容到情感等方面的異同之處;

  4. 在日常描寫中嘗試使用意象。

  教學(xué)活動Activities設(shè)計意圖Intentions互動模式&時間IP & timeReview:6 minStep 1Ss review the vocabulary they have learned with a spider map and blanks filling; and do Ex.1 on p. 84;

  [Slide 2-3]


  激活已學(xué)的詞匯;CW4'Step 2Ss recall the main ideas of each poem by Table 2.[slide 4][學(xué)案Ex.Ⅱ]



  Read to learn:22 minStep 3Ss read poem A aloud and observe the last words in each line; generalize the regularity of the sounds of these words. T presents the term for the regularity, rhyme.

  Ss read poem B and in pairs generalize the regular sound pattern within and across the stanzas: it is rhymed too.

  T elicits from ss why both poets put words in poem in disorderly manner.

  [slide 5-7]



  引導(dǎo)學(xué)生對詩歌中字詞順序異于常態(tài)話語這一現(xiàn)象做出結(jié)論。IW, PW, CW8'Step 3T presents Reading strategy 4, exemplifies what an image is and explains the function of images;

  [slide 8-11]


  T presents two more examples from poem B and asks ss to think about how the two work on the reader's mind; Ss present their ideas.

  T explains it: images work by means of descriptions, e.g. adj., comparison.[slide 12]培養(yǎng)學(xué)生發(fā)掘詩句中的意象的能力。CW,8'Step 4Ss work in groups and complete Table 3.




  Comprehensive practice:8 minStep 5T elicits from ss how poem A and B are similar in the following ways: topic, time, image and rhyme.

  Ss in pairs list differences between the two; present their list orally.

  [slide 15-16]

  調(diào)動學(xué)生在已有的知識和信息基礎(chǔ)上自主歸納、總結(jié),鍛煉口頭表達(dá);IW, PW,8'

  Application: 8 minStep 7Ss work in groups to complete Ex.8 and present the group work result.[slide 17][學(xué)案Ex.Ⅴ]


  Homework:1 min

  Language Power p. 86-87,Ex.1 Focus on Reading (with Culture Corner on p. 44 as reference)[slide 18]






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