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高二英語教案:《Unit 4 Newspapers》教學設計(一)(3)

來源:網絡整理 2018-11-20 16:19:45

  Step 6. Dialogue Practice

  Practice 1.

  Ask the students to retell the dialogue in the first or the third person form.


  Today, Zhou Lan and I had lunch together in the student’s dinning room. While I was there, I read Zhou Lan’s copy of China Daily and got to know that there would be some performances on this weekend. A pop group named “Red Roses” will give s performance at the People’s Theatre. It’s said that they are very good, so I decided to go to it. I asked Zhou Lan if she would be free this weekend. She said yes and would like to go with me. Before parting each other, we fixed a time to meet at the theatre.

  Practice 2:

  1) Match the questions with answers in Part 2 on page 19,SB.

  2) Ask the students to make new dialogues with their partners to talk about a film, a football match, a basketball match, a play or a performance.


  A: Hi, Jim. We are going to have a football match with the teachers this weekend.

  B. That sounds fine.

  C. Would you like to join us?

  B. What time does the match start?

  A. At four.

  B. Then I think there is no problem for me. By the way, where shall we meet?

  A. I suggest on the left side of the sports ground.

  B. Good! See you then. Bye.

  Step 7. Dialogue Production

  Ask the students to make dialogue acting to the situation given below, practicing offering invitation.


  If you are free this weekend, you plan to go for a picnic, ant outing, a camping or a visit to some places of interest. You’ like to invite some friends to go with you.


  A: Hello! This is Richard speaking.

  B: Hello! This is Kitty.

  A: Hi, Kitty. I’m going to have a barbecue this Sunday. I wonder if you have time to come.

  B: Yes, I’ll be free then. Where are you going to have it?

  A: Just in my garden.

  B: When will the barbecue begin?

  A: How about ten o’clock in the morning?

  B: That is fine. May I ask whom else you have invited?

  A: My cousin, Mr. Green and his wife. I think you know them If you like, you may bring one or two friends with.

  B: Thanks for your invitation. It’s very kind of you.

  A: With pleasure. See you this Sunday.

  B: See you then. Bye.

  Step 8 Homework

  1.Finish off the Workbook exercises

  2.Prepare Lesson 14.





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