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高二英語教案:《Unit 1 Disneyland》教學(xué)設(shè)計(一)(2)

來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理 2018-11-20 15:47:31

  II. The second listening

  Pay attention to how Carl tells people the way and try to find out the patterns Carl used in the dialogues.

  Go straight ahead till you see…

  It’s about…yards down this street,

  Go through the gate and you will find the entrance to … on the other side.

  It’s behind/in front of…

  Step III Dialogue Drills

  1. Let the students open their textbooks to listen the tap and read after it.

  2.Ask the students to read the dialogue in roles and in pairs> Then try to retell the dialogue to the partner, just occasionally referring to the textbook.

  3.The teacher acts as a visitor while all the students act the role of Carl to answer the question.

  Step IV. Dialogue Practice

  1.Ask the students to practise how to ask the way and give directions.


  If you were new student (A) in the school, you'd like to find your way to the lab, the library, the teacher’s offices or the washroom.


  A, Excuse me. I’m a new student here. Can you tell me the way to the sound lab?

  B, Yes. Go to the east end of the classroom building till you see a new six-storeyed building. The sound lab is on the 4th floor.

  A, Thank you very much.

  B, You are welcome.

  2.Ask the students to make dialogues similar to the one in the text.


  If you are a stranger or a foreigner in the city , you’d like to find your way to the railway station, the airport, or some places of interest.

  --- Exercise me. Would you tell me the way to the railway station?

  --- Yes. Go along this street until you see the Yonghong Square.


  ---Cross the street, Turn left and walk three minutes. Then you will find yourself in front of a bus stop. The No.4 bus will take you there.

  ---Thank you very much.






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