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您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 > 高考資源網 > 高中教案 > 高三英語教案 > 高三英語教案:《將來進行時》教學設計








來源:精品學習網 2018-11-13 17:48:06

  一、 概念


  二、 將來進行時的形式










I shall/will be leaving.


We shall/will be leaving.




You will be leaving.


You will be leaving.




He/She/It will be leaving.


They will be leaving.


  三、 將來進行時的用法


  1. 表示將來某一時間正在進行的動作,一般帶狀語。


  What will you be doing at this time next Monday?


  When he comes to my house tomorrow, I will be writing the report.


  2. 表示現(xiàn)在正在進行的動作,但這個動作會延續(xù)到將來。


  I wonder if it will still be raining this afternoon.


  I think that she will be working on this experiment until next morning.


  3. 表示預定的將來動作或對將來的預測。


  Tomorrow I will be flying to Bombay.


  After you take the medicine, you will be feeling much better.


  4. 表示委婉的請求。


  When shall we be meeting again?  我們什么時候能再見面?

  5. 表示原因。


  Please come tomorrow afternoon .Tomorrow morning, I'll be having a meeting.


  6. 表示結果。


  Stop the child or he will be falling over.  快阻止孩子,要不然他會摔跤的。

  7. 表示對將來的打算(區(qū)別于對將來的預測)


  My duties will end in July, and I'll be returning to Beijing. 七月我將結束工作,返回北京。


  一、 概念



  1. should/would + 動詞原形


  He said he would be there before Monday.

  他說他星期一以前將在那里。 ( be 動詞肯定式 )

  We hoped she should not go the next week.

  我們希望下星期她不去。    ( do 動詞的否定式 )



  It was a problem whether he would support us. 他是否會支持我們還是一個問題。

  It was seven o’clock. The sun would soon set. 這時是七點鐘,太陽即將落山。

  2. was/were going + 動詞不定式過去將來時的這種表達形式可以表示過去曾經打算或計劃準備要做的事。


  They told me that they were going to have a picnic. 他們告訴我他們將要舉行一次野餐。

  We were going to have a meeting. 我們曾經打算開個會。


  I was just going to ring him up when she came.

  我剛要給他打電話,她就來了。 ( 電話沒打成 )

  有時也用 was/were + coming 表示過去將來時。


  She didn't know when they were coming again.   她不知道他們時候會再來。

  3. was/were about + 動詞不定式  表示在過去看來正要做某事。


  They were about to leave when the telephone rang. 他們正要走,電話鈴響了。

  I was just about to go to bed when she came to see me. 我正要睡覺,她來看我了。

  4.was/were + 動詞不定式  表示定于過去某時將要做某事。


  He was to meet her at 10 on the street. 他約定和她10點鐘在街上見面。

  注意:若表示過去沒有實現(xiàn)(或被取消)的計劃,則用was (were) to+動詞完成時。


  They were to have left at 7 last night. 他們本來計劃昨晚7點離開的。

  5.would(should)+動詞原形  把助動詞be變?yōu)檫^去式,把will,shall變?yōu)檫^去式。


  I told them that I would not go with them,if it rained.


  He didn’t know how to do it. What would be their ideas?


  6.would(should)+動詞原形  過去將來時?捎脕肀硎具^去習慣性的動作。此時,不管什么人稱,一律用would。


  Whenever she had time,she would do some reading.


  I would play with them when I was a child.



將 來 進 行 時




will /shall be+現(xiàn)在分詞
















2) 條件狀語從句和時間狀語從句中須用現(xiàn)在進行時代替將來進行時


過 去 將 來 時




would+動詞原形/was (were) going to/was (were) about+不定式/was (were)+不定式







1)would do 表示從過去看某事將要發(fā)生


2)用was (were) going to do表示過去某時計劃或安排要做某事


3)用was (were) about+不定式表示在過去看來正要做某事


4) was (were)+不定式,表示過去計劃安排將要發(fā)生的動作,語氣較為正式




1)表示過去沒有實現(xiàn)(或被取消)的計劃,則用was (were) to+動詞完成式


2) 在條件和時間狀語從句中,要表示過去將來須用一般過去時代替過去將來時




  1. The Blacks      with us for the time being.

  A. will stay      B. would stay     C. have been staying     D. will be staying

  2. The plane      at the present speed until it crosses the mountain at about ten tonight.

  A. would go      B. went          C. will be going         D. goes

  3. Mr. Smith will not be able to attend the meeting tonight because ______ then.

  A. he must have a class            B. he will be teaching a class

  C. he teaches a class               D. he will have been teaching a class

  4. I won’t be able to watch the concert on TV tonight because I      homework at that time.

  A. shall have done      B. shall be doing      C. shall do        D. have been doing

  5. I _______ my boss at three this afternoon.

  A. shall be picking up                  B. shall be picked

  C. shall have been picking up            D. shall have picked

  6. You can’t miss Frank. He______ a dark green suit and a yellow tie waiting for you.

  A. is wearing          B. will wear           C. wears         D. will be wearing

  7. ----Could you give these books to Mr. Black?

  ----Absolutely, _______him at five o’clock this afternoon.

  A.I will have a talk           B. I have a talk with

  C.I can have a talk with        D.I will be having a talk with

  8. I’m afraid I won’t be available then. I _____ a friend off at three this afternoon.

  A. see        B. am seeing       C. will see          D. will be seeing

  9. Next Friday I will go to another concert .They ____some thing by Mozart at that time.

  A. play        B. will be playing   C. are going to play    D. are to play.

  10. ---What are you doing, Jack?

  ---Make a model plane. I ____ it in the science class at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning.

  A. will be showing      B. am going to show    C. show            D. have showed

  11. We _____ a debate on some environmental issues all afternoon tomorrow.

  A. will be having       B. am having          C. am going to have   D. have

  12. What do you think you _____at this time next year?

  A .will do             B. will be doing        C. are about to do     D. do

  13. ---What will you do tomorrow evening?

  ---I _____my favorite program between 8 and 11, then I will go out to drink in my usual bar.

  A. will watch                      B. am about to watch

  C. will be watching                 D. am watching

  14. ---When will you come to see me, Dad?

  ---I will go to see you when you_____ the training course.

  A. will have finished    B. will be finishing     C. are finishing          D. finish

  15. Tom sat under a tree and seeing his friend,          up in no time.

  A. to stand           B. standing            C. stood         D. would stand

  16. I _______ very happy if I could be of some service to you.

  A. would be             B. have been            C. must be        D. can be

  17. The meeting was to        at 9 o’clock but the manager         until twenty minutes later.

  A. start; didn’t turn up                         B. have started; didn’t turn up

  C. start; hadn’t turned up                        D. be started; hadn’t turned up

  18. ----      he come to see you?

  ----Of course, please. And I’d rather he       me the truth.

  A.Will; inform          B.Shall; told C.Should; would say           D.Can; spoke

  19. If the building project _____ by the end of this month is delayed, the construction company _____ fined.

  A. will be completed; is to be                     B. to be completed; will be

  C. being completed; will be                   D. completed; was

  20. ---- I rang you at about ten, but no one answered the phone.

  ---- Oh, that was probably when I _______ my neighbor.

  A. visited            B. was going to visit     C. was visiting        D. had visited

  21. Because I        the next day, I went to bed early on Saturday evening.

  A. was leaving      B. will leave                C. had left              D. was about to leave

  22. ----Henry, fancy meeting you here.

  ----Oh, it’s you Jack. Sorry, I ______ you ______ to me.

  A. didn’t think; were speaking                      B. don’t think; spoke

  C. didn’t think; would speak                         D. thought; are speaking

  23. By next summer John           in this factory for thirteen years.

  A.has been working                        B.will have been working

  C.will be working                                 D.has worked

  24. He will have learned English for eight years by the time he __________ from the university next year.

  A. will graduate          B. will have graduated     C. graduates      D. is to graduate

  25. I _______________ the office when the telephone rang.

  A. was about to leave    B. would leave            C. left           D. was to leave

  26. According to their agreement reached in 1943, no country ___________ peace with Germanyalone.

  A. is to make            B. was to make         C. would make   D. was about to make

  27. He promised me if we_______ the game, he ________us a round of drink.

  A. win; will buy                         B. would win; would buy

  C. won; bought                          D. won; would buy

  28. He said time and time again that he _________, but he actually stayed well after midnight.

  A. is leaving            B. was leaving          C. was to leave   D. will leave

  29. ---- Mom, I got the first prize in the spelling contest.

  ----Oh, how great! Daddy will be so proud of you. He _____ you _____ to win.

  A. never think; are going          B. never thought; were going

  C. didn’t think; were going             D. hadn’t thought; were going

  30. Tom_________ to Jerry and tell him about his new school at once.

  A. will write            B. writes              C. wrote        D. writes


  1. He __________ (lie) on one of the sunny beaches in Hawaii all day when he spends his holiday there.

  2. Don’t call me between 2:00 and 4:00 this afternoon. I ________ (have) an test then.

  3. Nobody knew what ________ (happen) to the Earth in a century’s time.

  4. Mr. Lee said he would give the CD to me as soon as he ______ (return) from Canada.

  5. When we were young, father________ (take) us for a special treat on Mother’s day.

  6. ----Did you invite Sarah to your birthday party?

  ----Sorry, I forget. I _______ (call) her now.

  7. You have to put in more effort if you were _________ (pass) the test.

  8. I __________ (tell) you about my plan, but you stopped me before I could speak.

  9. Will you __________(use)your computer this time tomorrow?

  10. I __________ (close) the kitchen door when a little mouse popped its head out.


  1. He was to cross the road when a car suddenly raced up round the corner.

  2. When we went to the west coast for spring break, we will find hotel near the beach.

  3. Many animals will die of thirst when the river will run dry.

  4. She said she was going to come when her mother told her supper was ready.

  5. Are you going to call the police when you found your laptop stolen?


  1. 我正打算往河里跳時看見水里出現(xiàn)一條蛇。

  2. 下個月的今天我們將乘飛往去南美洲。

  3. 據(jù)報道,有一顆人造衛(wèi)星將在酒泉被發(fā)射。

  4. 她本打算今年暑假去歐洲旅行,但金融危機使她丟了工作。

  5. 我的朋友告訴我他下個月就開始他的研究計劃。


  1. ---Come on in, Peter. I want to show you something.

  ---Oh, how nice of you! I ______ you ______ to bring me a gift.

  A. never think; are going                        B. never thought; were going

  C. didn’t think; were going                      D. hadn’t thought; were going

  2. --We could have walked to the station; it was so near.

  ---Yes. A taxi ______ at all necessary.

  A. wasn't         B. hadn't been        C. wouldn't be           D. won't be

  3. .We were all surprised when he made it clear that he ___ office soon.

  A. leaves          B. would leave        C. left                    D. had left

  4. --- Alice, why didn't you come yesterday?

  --- I _______, but I had an unexpected visitor.

  A. had          B. would              C. was going to          D. did

  5. ---Is there anything wrong, Bob? You look sad.

  --- Oh, nothing much. In fact, I _____ of my friends back home.

  A. have just thought                     B. was just thinking

  C. would just think                    D. will just be thinking

  6. ---Tom, you didn’t come to the party last night.

  --- I _____, but I suddenly remember I had homework to do.

  A. had to         B. didn’t        C. was going to   D. wouldn’t

  7. In a room above the store where a party_______ , some workers were busily setting the table.

  A. was to be held   B. has been held   C. will be held   D. is being held

  8. I _____ along the street looking for a place to park when the accident _______.

  A. went; was occurring              B. went; occurred

  C. was going; occurred              D. was going; had occurred

  9. --- Has your father returned from Africa yet?

  --- Yes, but he _________ here for only three days before his company sent him to Australia.

  A. was          B. has been      C. will be        D. would be

  10. ---Ring me at seven a.m.?

  --- No, not that early! I ________.

  A. sleep         B. will sleep     C. am sleeping    D. will be sleeping

  11. You know, I ______ looking for a job for three months, and this is my first interview.

  A. am           B. was         C. will be        D. have been

  12. You’d better not phone the manager between 7 and 8 tomorrow evening; he ______ an important meeting then.

  A. will have      B. would have   C. will be having   D. will have had

  13. --- Do you have any problem if you _______ this job?

  --- Well, I am thinking about the salary.

  A. offer          B. will offer     C. are offered      D. will be offered

  14. My uncle _________ until he was forty-five.

  A. married                       B. didn’t marry

  C. was not marrying               D. wouldn’t marry

  15. --- Have you known Dr. Jackson for a long time?

  --- Yes, since she ______ the Chinese Society.

  A. has joined      B. joins         C. had joined       D. joined

  參 考 答 案


  1----5 DCBBA       6----10 DDDBA    11----15 ABCDC     16----20 ABBBC

  21----25 AABCA    26----30 BDBBA


  1. will be lying    2. will/ shall be having   3. would happen   4. returned

  5. would take     6. will call      7. to pass     8. was about to tell

  9. be using       10. was about to close


  1. was to  改成 was about to         2. will 改成  would

  3. will run 改成  runs             4. was going to come  改成 was coming

  5. Are 改成 Were


  1. I was about to jump into the river when a snake appeared.

  2. We shall be flying to South America this time next month.

  3. It was reported that another satellite would be sent up in Jiu Quan.

  4. She was going to take a trip to Europe this summer vacation, but she lost her job to the financial crisis.

  5. My friend told me he would start his research project next month.


  1----5  BABCB      6----10  CACAD     11----15   DCCBD





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