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來源:精品學習網(wǎng) 2018-11-13 17:39:59


  1. honorable

  [adj.] 可敬的, 榮譽的, 光榮的

  e.g. Though it is honorable to be a cleaner, many people wouldn’t like to do that


  [n.] honor 敬重,尊敬;被引以為榮的人物, 榮譽,名譽;信用

  All the athletes tried their best to win honor for their motherland.


  He's an honor to his parents. 他的父母以他為榮。

  [vt.] honor受到尊敬

  He was honored for his courage in battle. 他因在戰(zhàn)斗中的英勇表現(xiàn)而受到尊敬。

  有用句型:in honor of/in one’s honor為紀念… ,為慶祝;向……表示敬意

  We held a special party in honor of our visitors.



  show honor to           對某人表示敬意;

  have the honor to do      很榮幸地

  feel honored to do        因做……而感到榮幸;

  on one’s honor           以某人的名譽擔保

  2. delight [n.]樂趣;喜悅;欣喜

  e.g.:The children were made to laugh with delight. 孩子們被逗得高興地大笑。

  [adj.] delighted欣喜的, 快樂的 delightful 令人高興的;討人喜歡的

  I was delighted to be invited to her party.我很高興被邀請參加她的晚會。


  She delights in cooking lovely meals.她以烹飪美食為樂。

  短語:be delighted by/at 因…而高興  be delighted to do sth. 高興做某事

  be delighted with 喜歡….

  3. significance

  [n.]重要; 意義;價值

  What is the significance of this meeting? 這個會議有什么意義?

  [adj.] significant有意義的, 重大的, 重要的

  This meeting is significant. 這個會議有意義

  4. compete

  [vi.] compete 競爭;競賽

  Five children competed in the race. 五個孩子參加賽跑。

  [n.] competition 競爭;競賽competitor 競賽者;對手

  He feels nervous as it seems his competitor is stronger.


  [adj.] competitive 競爭的,比賽的

  拓展:compete with/against 與…競爭  compete for 為…而競爭

  compete with sb. in sth. 在某方面與某人競爭

  5. separate [adj.]分開的, 分離的, 個別的, 單獨的,區(qū)別的;不同的

  [v.] 分開, 隔離, 分散, 分別

  e.g. The two children separated at the end of the road. 兩個孩子在路的盡頭分手了

  [adj.] 單獨的,分開的,不同的

  Our children want separate rooms.

  separate 與 divide 的區(qū)別:


  Please separate the good apples from the bad ones. 請把好的蘋果和壞的蘋果分開。

  ②divide 往往指把某個整體劃分為若干部分,常與into連用

  Let us divide the cake into three parts. 讓我們把這個蛋糕分成三部分。

  6. light [n]光, 日光, 發(fā)光體, 燈

  The sun gives us light during the day. 白天太陽給我們光亮。

  [adj.] 輕的, 發(fā)光的, 明亮的, 淺的

  The basket is very light; I can easily pick it up.籃子很輕我可以很容易地拿起來。

  [v.] 點著, 變亮 light—lighted/lit—lighted/lit  做謂語時無區(qū)別,lighted可放于名詞前做定語,而lit不行 (the lighted candle 點著的蠟燭)

  Will you light the fire for me? 你替我點上火好嗎?

  7. distance [n.] 距離;間隔

  What distance do you have to walk to school? 你到學校要走多遠的距離?

  有用短語:in the distance在遠處;at a distance相距,相隔; keep one's distance 保持一定距離

  I could see the bus coming in the distance. 我看見公共汽車從遠處開來了。

  Americans like to keep a distance when speaking.美國人說話時喜歡保持一定距離。

  8. record /?rek?:d/ [n.] 履歷, 檔案, 訴狀, 最高紀錄, 報告, 唱片

  The doctor keeps a record of all the serious illnesses in the village.


  [vt.] /ri?k?:d/ 記錄, 標明, 將……錄音

  The reporter recorded what the actor said at the news conference.


  The songs were recorded by the radio company.這些歌曲是由廣播公司錄下的

  拓展:hold a record 保持紀錄   set a record 創(chuàng)紀錄

  keep a record/records of 紀錄,記載

  9. absent [adj.] 缺席的;不在場的

  He is absent on business. 他因事缺席。

  He is absent from Beijing. 他不在北京。

  [adj.] 漫不經(jīng)心的;心不在焉的;茫然的

  He looked at me in an absent way. 他茫然地望著我。

  [vt.] 不在;缺席

  Why did you absent yourself from school yesterday? 昨天你為何不到校?

  [n.] absence 缺乏

  He didn’t finished his paper because of absence of information


  10. excite [v.] 使人激動興奮

  The news excited everybody.消息鼓舞了每個人。

  [adj.]excited激動的;興奮的   exciting使人激動的;令人興奮的

  What he told us is an exciting story. 他告訴我們的是一個動人的故事。

  11. attempt [v& n]努力, 嘗試, 企圖

  The boys attempted to leave for camping but were stopped by their parents.


  She made an attempt to cook the dinner. 她試著做這頓飯。

  拓展:attempted adj. 未遂的的,有意圖的  an attempted murder 殺人未遂

  make an attempt/attempts to do/at doing sth.=attempt to do sth.

  辨析:attempt/try to do sth. 試圖做某事,嘗試做某事,可能成功也可能不成功

  manage to do sth    成功做某事

  e.g. Her parents managed to send her to the university she longed for.

  12. state [n.] 狀況;情形;狀態(tài);政府;盛禮,隆重的禮儀;州;邦

  Everything was in a state of disorder. 一切都處于紊亂狀態(tài)。

  She is in a worried state of mind. 她心情很焦急。

  In China, the railways are owned by the state. 在中國,鐵路是國有的。

  The President was received in state. 總統(tǒng)受到隆重接待。

  [v.] state 陳述,敘述

  Please state your name, age and occupation on the form.


  1. plenty of 許多,大量

  There is plenty of time. 時間很充足。

  Plenty of students want to study abroad. 許多學生想出國留學。


  1)plenty of 后接可數(shù)名詞或不可數(shù)名詞,同時謂語動詞的單復數(shù)形式與其后名詞一致。

  2)plenty of通常用于肯定句中;在否定句中用many或much代替;在疑問句中用enough代替。

  e.g. There are plenty of egg. 有許多雞蛋。

  There aren’t many eggs. 沒有很多雞蛋。

  Are there enough eggs? 有足夠多的雞蛋嗎?



  詞義 可數(shù)名詞

  [C] 不可數(shù)名詞

  [U] 可數(shù)/不可數(shù)名詞


  許多,大量 Many,   many a / an,

  a great / large number of ,

  quite a few,

  scores of ,

  dozens of Much,

  a good / great deal of, a large amount of, amounts of A lot of,    lots of,

  a large quantity of, quantities of,

  plenty of,

  a supply of,

  supplies of 2. attraction  [n.]    [v.] attract   [adj.] attractive

  (1). 吸引人的地方或事情      tourist attraction(s) 旅游景點

  (2). 吸引力;誘惑力

  City life holds little attraction for me. 我對城市生活不感興趣。


  attract sb. to sth. 使某人對某事感興趣

  the main attraction 最引人注意之處

  attract interest/attention 引起興趣/注意

  3. otherwise adv. / conj. 否則,要不然

  Work hard, otherwise you will be sorry. 好好學習,否則你會后悔的。

  You have to go now, otherwise you will miss your bus.


  提示:otherwise 作副詞時,無比較級和最高級的用法;otherwise使起連接作用的狀語,做兩個句子的連接狀語時不可置于句末,而應置于所連接的第二個句子的句首。

  4. stretch [vt.]&[vi.]

  (1).vt. 拉長/寬 撐大/松 ;鋪開,舒展

  I have to stretch these shoes. 我得把這些鞋子撐大。

  (2). (vi)變長,變寬,(布料)可伸縮,有彈性

  The jeans stretch to provide a perfect fit. 這條牛仔褲有彈性,可以完全合身。

  (3). (vi) (空間上)延伸, (時間上)延續(xù)

  The forests stretched for hundreds of miles. 森林綿延數(shù)百英里。

  Endless summer days stretched out before us. 我們眼前是無盡的夏日。


  He stretched out a hand and picked up the book. 他伸出一只手,把書撿起來。

  5.  meet相關單配:

  meet with sb 會見沒有,與某人會晤

  meeting place 聚集的地方,會場

  meet one’ demand/need/requirement 滿足某人需要

  6. current [ adj.]


  Production is likely to remain at current levels.



  These words are no longer current. 這些詞已不再通用。


  7.  remove [vt&vi]

  (1). vt. 移動,把…移走,搬開,拿開

  Please remove your bag from the seat. 請把包從座位上拿走。

  (2). vt. 脫掉=take off

  Come in and remove your wet coat 進來把你的濕外衣脫掉。

  (3). 除去,去掉消除=get rid of

  His name was removed from the list.他的名字被從名單上除去了。

  (4).vt 撤職.

  They removed him from his position.他們撤了他的職務。

  (5). Vi 搬家,遷移=move

  They are going to remove into a new building. 他們準備搬進一座新樓。

  8. maintain. [vt.]


  The two countries have always maintained close relations.



  The house is large and difficult to maintain. 房子很大,難以養(yǎng)護


  She has always maintained her innocence.



  He was barely earning enough to maintain himself.


  9. balance [vt&vi]

  (1). 平衡,平衡能力使平衡,保持平衡

  Athletes need a good sense of balance. 運動員要有良好的平衡感。

  (2).[n.]結余,余額 結欠, 欠款

  The current balance in your account is $182現(xiàn)在你 賬戶上的結余為182英鎊。

  (3). 相抵,抵消

  This year’s profits will balance our previous losses.



  keep one’s balance 保持平衡

  lose one’ balance 失去平衡



  Step1. Read this passage and answer the following questions:

  1. How often were the Olympic Games held?

  2. When and where were the modern Olympic Games held?

  3. When did China return to the Games, and who won the first gold medal?

  4. Who became the first Asian to win the gold medal in men’s 110-metre hurdles?

  Keys: 1. every four years

  2. The modern Olympic Games were first held in 1896, in Athens.

  3. At the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics and Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal.

  4. Liu Xiang.

  Step2. Compare the ancient Olympics and modern Olympics

  The honourable games  Ancient Olympics Modern Olympics Time ____1_____ ____2____

  ________3_________ All ___4___ Both ____5___and ____6____  Held at the ___7____ place Held at the ___8_____ place  Only ___9_____ were allowed to compete. _____10______ from around the world can take part.

  Keys: 1. 776BC    2. 1896   3. Differences  4. men    5. men

  6. women    7. same    8. different      9.  Greeks   10. Athletes

  Step3. True or False

  1)????? At the 1984 Barcelona Olympics, Jordan won his second Olympic medal. (F)  (1984)

  2)????? Haile Gebreselassie first became famous and broke the world for the 10km run in 1992. (F)

  3)????? China returned to the Games after 32 years’ absence. (T)

  4)????? Deng Yaping won four Olympic gold medals and became an IOC member in 1992. (F)

  5)????? Cassius Clay returned to the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996 to light the Olympic flame at the opening ceremony. (T)

  Keys: 1. F  (1992)   2. F  (In 1995 he broke the M world record)    3. T

  4. F  (became an IOC member in 2000)     5.T


  M4 Unit2 Reading

  Language points:

  1. (Line 1)  I am delighted to have been invited  to …….the Olympic Games.

  句型:sb. + be + adj. / V-ed 形式+ to have done sth. 謂語動詞等常用被動語態(tài),不定式完成式表示該動作發(fā)生在謂語動詞之前。

  e.g. He is thought to be doing a secret experiment. 有人認為他正在進行一項秘密的實驗。

  2. (Line 6)They were held at Olympia in Greece  every four years.

  Every 當“每;每隔”講時,不能用each 替換;every后可用few,但不能接a few, 也不可接some,several, many等詞;every可與“other+單數(shù)名詞連用”。

  每;每隔:Every + 基數(shù)詞 + 復數(shù)名詞

  Every + 序數(shù)詞 + 單數(shù)名詞

  Every other + 單數(shù)名詞

  Every few + 復數(shù)名詞

  e.g. every four days 每四天,每隔三天

  every third day 每三天,每隔兩天

  every other day 每隔一天

  every few days 每隔幾天

  3. (Line 9) At the ancient games, the athletes were all men and they had to

  compete wearing no clothes.


  wearing no clothes 是現(xiàn)在分詞短語,在從句中作狀語,修飾compete,表示伴隨情況。


  While reading the book, he nodded from time to time. (時間) 他一邊讀書,一邊不時地點頭。

  Being busy, he could not go to the film. (原因) 因為忙,他不能去看電影。

  He hurried home, looking behind from time to time as he went. (伴隨情況) 他趕緊回家,一邊走一邊不時地向后看。

  4. (Line 14) Today, athletes  from around  the world can take part,  no matter what  language they speak.

  from around 兩個介詞連用,表示更具體的內(nèi)容。(He appeared from behind the tree.)

  no matter what 相當于whatever, 引導讓步狀語從句。

  No matter who / Whoever knocks, don’t open the door. 無論誰敲門,都不要開。

  No matter what /whatever you do, do it well. 無論做什么,都要把它做好。

  5. (Line 16)  It was a Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin, who  restarted the Olympics.

  “It was…… who……”為強調(diào)句型結構,強調(diào)的是a Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin作Frenchman的同位語。

  “It + be +被強調(diào)部分+ who/that……”

  e.g. It was   I   who/that saw him in the street yesterday. (主語)昨天是我在街上看見了他。

  It was in the street that I saw him yesterday. (地狀)我昨天是在街上看見他的。

  一般疑問句形式:Be + it +被強調(diào)部分+ who/that……

  特殊疑問句形式:特殊疑問詞(被強調(diào)部分)+ be + it + who/that……

  Not until 的強調(diào)句式:It be not until …… that +……..

  E.g. Was it in 2008 that you graduated? 你是2008年畢業(yè)的嗎?

  When was it that you got home last night? 昨天晚上你是什么時候到家的?

  It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star.


  6. (Line 17)His dream  was that …… make it possible ……side by side.

  1)That 引導表語從句, 不做成分不可省略。在 主語從句 和 同位語從句 中也不做成分不可省略。 E.g. The news that our football team won the match was encouraging.(同位語從句)


  It is good news to us that we are invited to a concert this evening. (主語從句)


  2)“make it + adj./n. + (for sb.) to do sth.” it 是形式賓語,不定式是真正的賓語。用于此句型的動詞還有 think, find, believe, feel, suppose, consider等。

  e.g. He feels it his duty to help those in trouble. 他認為幫助有困難的人是他的責任。

  They have made ______ a rule _______ in the room           (C)

  A. this; not to smoking     B. it; smoking    C. it; not to smoke     D. it; not smoking

  7. (Line 19) Now people……and among them are many well-known athletes.


  e.g. Among the goods are Christmas trees, flowers, candles and toys.


  Present at the meeting were some teachers and students.


  Gone are the days when women were looked down upon.


  8. (Line 45) At the 2004 … Liu Xiang …the first Asian to win the gold medal in the men’s 110-metre hurdles.

  該句中的 the first 與 to win the gold medal…均作定語修飾名詞Asian。英語中當一個名詞或代詞前有序數(shù)詞或形容詞最高級修飾時,若在需要后置定語,則要用動詞不定式的一般式。

  e.g. The next train to arrive is from Beijing. 下一班要抵達的列車是北京開過來的的。

  Madam Curie was the first woman scientist to win the Nobel Prize twice.


  He is always the first to come and the last to leave.


  -----The last one _______ pays the meal.          (B)


  A. arrived     B. to arrive       C. arrives     D. arriving

  Important phrases:

  1. be delighted to do sth. 高興做某事     2. at the end of …在…結束時;在…末端

  3. every four years每四年;每隔三年       4. be allowed to do sth. 被允許做…

  5. take part (in) 參與   6. in honor of 紀念…;向表示敬意  7. side by side一起;肩并肩

  8. play a role / part in 起作用   9. realize one’s dream 實現(xiàn)夢想

  10. under the name of 以… 為筆名       11. go on to do sth. 繼續(xù)做另一件事

  12. break the record打破紀錄        13. make contributions to  對…做出貢獻

  14. look forward to 期待;盼望     15. join sb. in doing sth. 與某人一起參加某活動

  16. come to one’s attention 引起注意 17. be recognized as 被看做 18.all the time一直;總是



  Step1. True or False:

  1. There are only two requirements for a sport entering the Olympics.

  2.  Sports were usually removed because they became less popular and had to make way for new, more popular sports.

  3. Tae kwon do has been added only recently, in 2000.

  4. It’s impossible that wushu can enter the Olympics.

  5. Once the sports were removed, they couldn’t enter the Olympics any more.

  Keys: 1. F (three) 2. T 3.T 4. F (There is possibility.) 5. F (They also can enter again.)

  Step2. Fill in the blanks:

  Sports in the Olympics

  How to enter:

  _____1_______ Has its own international ____2_____.  Must be practised by men in at least __3__ countries on at least four continents. In at least 40 countries on three continents women ____4____it.  A current sport must be dropped in order___5____add a new sport. Sports are out Some less popular sports have been removed, ____6_______familiar sports as well as more unusual sports. Sports are in Some sports have been added only recently.

  Many people think that_____7_____ Olympic sports will be included again. Sports are still trying Wushu is trying to___8___ the Olympics. However, it hasn’t got the ____9____of the IOC.

  In the future, wushu fans may ____10___ their dream because the IOC is considering revising sports number and type. Keys:1. Requirements   2. association   3.  75    4.  practise   5.   to

  6. including   7. previous    8. enter    9. approval     10. realize

  Language points

  1. Entering a sport into the Olympics can be a long process. (P38)


  can:. 這里can 用來描述特有的行為或情形,常譯為“有時會”

  eg: Children can sometimes be very tiring.

  It can be very cold here, even in May.

  2. These sports were usually removed…to make way for…(P38)

  give way to sth./ make way for sth.

  (1.) to be replaced by sth, esp. because it is better, cheaper, easier被取代替代


  The shop is closed to make way for a new restaurant.


  (2.) allow space or a free passage 讓路

  As is known to all, all traffic has to make way for fire-engine.

  all the way 一路上,一直; 大老遠      by the way 順便說一聲;在途中

  by way of  經(jīng)過,經(jīng)由                 find one’s way 找到路,設法到達

  in a way   在某種程度上;有點,有幾分 in no way     決不

  in the/one’s way擋路                   lead the way  領路,帶路

  lose one’s way 迷路                   make one’s way (辛苦地)前進,行走

  no way 沒門                          on the/one’s way (to)在途中;漸趨于

  under way (船只)航行中,(計劃)進行中


  牛津高中英語模塊四Unit 2 備課要點 (學案)


  1. honorable

  [adj.] 可敬的, 榮譽的, 光榮的

  e.g.________________________, many people wouldn’t like to do that


  [n.]______ 敬重,尊敬;被引以為榮的人物, 榮譽,名譽;信用

  All the athletes tried their best _____________________.


  He's ___________ his parents. 他的父母以他為榮。

  [vt.] ______受到尊敬

  _________________________________. 他因在戰(zhàn)斗中的英勇表現(xiàn)而受到尊敬。

  有用句型:_________/____________為紀念… ,為慶祝;向……表示敬意

  We held a special party ___________________.



  ______________         對某人表示敬意;

  have the honor to do      很榮幸地

  feel honored to do        __________________;

  on one’s honor           以某人的名譽擔保

  2. delight [n.]樂趣;喜悅;欣喜

  e.g.:The children ______________________ 孩子們被逗得高興地大笑。

  [adj.] __________欣喜的, 快樂的 ___________令人高興的;討人喜歡的

  ___________________________her party.我很高興被邀請參加她的晚會。


  She __________ cooking lovely meals.她以烹飪美食為樂。

  短語:be delighted by/at 因…而高興  be delighted to do sth. 高興做某事

  be delighted with 喜歡….

  3. significance

  [n.]重要; 意義;價值

  _________________________? 這個會議有什么意義?

  [adj.] ____________有意義的, 重大的, 重要的

  ______________________. 這個會議有意義

  4. compete

  [vi.] compete 競爭;競賽

  Five children competed in the race. 五個孩子參加賽跑。

  [n.] ________競爭;競賽__________競賽者;對手

  He feels nervous as it seems his competitor is stronger.


  [adj.] ___________競爭的,比賽的

  拓展:compete ___/____ 與…競爭  compete ___為…而競爭

  compete with sb. in sth. 在某方面與某人競爭

  5. separate [adj.]分開的, 分離的, 個別的, 單獨的,區(qū)別的;不同的

  [v.] 分開, 隔離, 分散, 分別

  e.g. The two children __________________. 兩個孩子在路的盡頭分手了

  [adj.] 單獨的,分開的,不同的

  Our children want separate rooms.

  separate 與 divide 的區(qū)別:


  Please _________the good apples _______ the bad ones. 請把好的蘋果和壞的蘋果分開。

 、赿ivide 往往指把某個整體劃分為若干部分,常與into連用

  Let us _____________________. 讓我們把這個蛋糕分成三部分。

  6. light [n]光, 日光, 發(fā)光體, 燈

  The sun gives us light during the day. 白天太陽給我們光亮。

  [adj.] 輕的, 發(fā)光的, 明亮的, 淺的

  The basket is very light; I can easily pick it up.籃子很輕我可以很容易地拿起來。

  [v.] 點著, 變亮 light—______/____—________/______ 做謂語時無區(qū)別,lighted可放于名詞前做定語,而lit不行 (the _______ candle 點著的蠟燭)

  Will you light the fire for me? 你替我點上火好嗎?

  7. distance [n.] 距離;間隔

  What distance do you have to walk to school? 你到學校要走多遠的距離?

  有用短語:__________在遠處;at a distance相距,相隔; ______________ 保持一定距離

  I could see the bus coming ______________. 我看見公共汽車從遠處開來了。

  Americans like to____________when speaking.美國人說話時喜歡保持一定距離。

  8. record /?rek?:d/ [n.] 履歷, 檔案, 訴狀, 最高紀錄, 報告, 唱片

  The doctor keeps a record of all the serious illnesses in the village.


  [vt.] /ri?k?:d/ 記錄, 標明, 將……錄音



  The songs ______________ the radio company.這些歌曲是由廣播公司錄下的

  拓展:______a record 保持紀錄  _____a record 創(chuàng)紀錄

  ______a record/records of 紀錄,記載

  9. absent [adj.] 缺席的;不在場的

  He is absent on business. 他因事缺席。

  ___________________. 他不在北京。

  [adj.] 漫不經(jīng)心的;心不在焉的;茫然的

  He looked at me in an absent way. _____________。

  [vt.] 不在;缺席

  Why did you absent yourself from school yesterday? ________________?

  [n.] absence 缺乏

  He didn’t finished his paper because of ___________________


  10. excite [v.] 使人激動興奮

  The news ________everybody.消息鼓舞了每個人。

  [adj.]excited激動的;興奮的   exciting使人激動的;令人興奮的

  ______________ is an _______ story. 他告訴我們的是一個動人的故事。

  11. attempt [v& n]努力, 嘗試, 企圖

  The boys ___________________but were stopped by their parents.


  She made an attempt to cook the dinner. 她試著做這頓飯。

  拓展:attempted adj. 未遂的的,有意圖的  an attempted murder ____________

  make an attempt/________ to do/at ______ sth.=attempt to do sth.

  辨析:attempt/try to do sth. 試圖做某事,嘗試做某事,可能成功也可能不成功

  ________to do sth    成功做某事

  e.g. Her parents managed to send her to the university she longed for.

  12. state [n.] 狀況;情形;狀態(tài);政府;盛禮,隆重的禮儀;州;邦

  Everything ______________________. 一切都處于紊亂狀態(tài)。

  She is in a worried state of mind. ______________。

  In China, the railways _____________. 在中國,鐵路是國有的。

  The President was received in state. ______________。

  [v.] state 陳述,敘述

  Please state your name, age and occupation on the form.


  1. plenty of 許多,大量

  There _____plenty of time. 時間很充足。

  Plenty of students _______________. 許多學生想出國留學。


  1)plenty of 后接___名詞或_____名詞,同時謂語動詞的單復數(shù)形式與其后名詞一致。

  2)plenty of通常用于肯定句中;在否定句中用many或much代替;在疑問句中用enough代替。

  e.g. There are_______ egg. 有許多雞蛋。

  There aren’t ______ eggs. 沒有很多雞蛋。

  Are there _______ eggs? 有足夠多的雞蛋嗎?



  詞義 可數(shù)名詞

  [C] 不可數(shù)名詞

  [U] 可數(shù)/不可數(shù)名詞


  許多,大量 Many,   many a / an,

  a great / large number of ,

  quite a few,

  scores of ,

  dozens of Much,

  a good / great deal of, a large amount of, amounts of A lot of,    lots of,

  a large quantity of, quantities of,

  plenty of,

  a supply of,

  supplies of 2. attraction  [n.]    [v.] _______  [adj.] ___________

  (1). 吸引人的地方或事情    ___________________ 旅游景點

  (2). 吸引力;誘惑力

  City life holds little attraction for me. _______________________。


  attract sb. ____ sth. 使某人對某事感興趣

  the main attraction 最引人注意之處

  attract_________/__________ 引起興趣/注意

  3. otherwise adv. / conj. 否則,要不然

  Work hard, otherwise you will be sorry. 好好學習,否則你會后悔的。



  提示:otherwise 作副詞時,無比較級和最高級的用法;otherwise使起連接作用的狀語,做兩個句子的連接狀語時不可置于句末,而應置于所連接的第二個句子的句首。

  4. stretch [vt.]&[vi.]

  (1).vt. 拉長/寬 撐大/松 ;鋪開,舒展

  I have to stretch these shoes. 我得把這些鞋子撐大。

  (2). (vi)變長,變寬,(布料)可伸縮,有彈性

  The jeans stretch to provide a perfect fit. __________________________。

  (3). (vi) (空間上)延伸, (時間上)延續(xù)

  ________________________________________. 森林綿延數(shù)百英里。

  Endless summer days stretched out before us. 我們眼前是無盡的夏日。


  _________________________________-___. 他伸出一只手,把書撿起來。

  5.  meet相關單配:


  meeting place 聚集的地方,會場

  meet one’ ________/_______/_________滿足某人需要

  6. current [ adj.]


  Production is likely to _____________________.



  These words are no longer current. _________________。


  7.  remove [vt&vi]

  (1). vt. 移動,把…移走,搬開,拿開

  ________________________________. 請把包從座位上拿走。

  (2). vt. 脫掉=_________

  Come in and remove your wet coat 進來把你的濕外衣脫掉。

  (3). 除去,去掉消除=_____________

  His name was removed from the list.他的名字被從名單上除去了。

  (4).vt 撤職.


  (5). Vi 搬家,遷移=move

  They are going to ______________a new building. 他們準備搬進一座新樓。

  8. maintain. [vt.]


  The two countries have always ____________________.



  The house is large and _____________________. 房子很大,難以養(yǎng)護


  She has always maintained her innocence.

  ______________________ 。


  He was barely earning enough to maintain himself.


  9. balance [vt&vi]

  (1). 平衡,平衡能力使平衡,保持平衡

  ___________________________. 運動員要有良好的平衡感。

  (2).[n.]結余,余額 結欠, 欠款

  The current balance in your account is $182現(xiàn)在你 賬戶上的結余為182英鎊。

  (3). 相抵,抵消

  This year’s profits will balance our _____________.






  M4 Unit 2 New Words(2)

  1. plenty of 許多,大量

  There _____plenty of time. 時間很充足。

  Plenty of students _______________. 許多學生想出國留學。


  1)plenty of 后接___名詞或_____名詞,同時謂語動詞的單復數(shù)形式與其后名詞一致。

  2)plenty of通常用于肯定句中;在否定句中用many或much代替;在疑問句中用enough代替。

  e.g. There are_______ egg. 有許多雞蛋。

  There aren’t ______ eggs. 沒有很多雞蛋。

  Are there _______ eggs? 有足夠多的雞蛋嗎?



  詞義 可數(shù)名詞

  [C] 不可數(shù)名詞

  [U] 可數(shù)/不可數(shù)名詞


  許多,大量 Many,   many a / an,

  a great / large number of ,

  quite a few,

  scores of ,

  dozens of Much,

  a good / great deal of, a large amount of, amounts of A lot of,    lots of,

  a large quantity of, quantities of,

  plenty of,

  a supply of,

  supplies of 2. attraction  [n.]    [v.] _______  [adj.] ___________

  (1). 吸引人的地方或事情    ___________________ 旅游景點

  (2). 吸引力;誘惑力

  City life holds little attraction for me. _______________________。


  attract sb. ____ sth. 使某人對某事感興趣

  the main attraction 最引人注意之處

  attract_________/__________ 引起興趣/注意

  3. otherwise adv. / conj. 否則,要不然

  Work hard, otherwise you will be sorry. 好好學習,否則你會后悔的。



  提示:otherwise 作副詞時,無比較級和最高級的用法;otherwise使起連接作用的狀語,做兩個句子的連接狀語時不可置于句末,而應置于所連接的第二個句子的句首。

  4. stretch [vt.]&[vi.]

  (1).vt. 拉長/寬 撐大/松 ;鋪開,舒展

  I have to stretch these shoes. 我得把這些鞋子撐大。

  (2). (vi)變長,變寬,(布料)可伸縮,有彈性

  The jeans stretch to provide a perfect fit. __________________________。

  (3). (vi) (空間上)延伸, (時間上)延續(xù)

  ________________________________________. 森林綿延數(shù)百英里。

  Endless summer days stretched out before us. 我們眼前是無盡的夏日。


  _________________________________-___. 他伸出一只手,把書撿起來。

  5.  meet相關單配:


  meeting place 聚集的地方,會場

  meet one’ ________/_______/_________滿足某人需要

  6. current [ adj.]


  Production is likely to _____________________.



  These words are no longer current. _________________。


  7.  remove [vt&vi]

  (1). vt. 移動,把…移走,搬開,拿開

  ________________________________. 請把包從座位上拿走。

  (2). vt. 脫掉=_________

  Come in and remove your wet coat 進來把你的濕外衣脫掉。

  (3). 除去,去掉消除=_____________

  His name was removed from the list.他的名字被從名單上除去了。

  (4).vt 撤職.


  (5). Vi 搬家,遷移=move

  They are going to ______________a new building. 他們準備搬進一座新樓。

  8. maintain. [vt.]


  The two countries have always ____________________.



  The house is large and _____________________. 房子很大,難以養(yǎng)護


  She has always maintained her innocence.

  ______________________ 。


  He was barely earning enough to maintain himself.


  9. balance [vt&vi]

  (1). 平衡,平衡能力使平衡,保持平衡

  ___________________________. 運動員要有良好的平衡感。

  (2).[n.]結余,余額 結欠, 欠款

  The current balance in your account is $182現(xiàn)在你 賬戶上的結余為182英鎊。

  (3). 相抵,抵消

  This year’s profits will balance our _____________.






  M4 Unit2


  Step1. Read this passage and answer the following questions:

  1. How often were the Olympic Games held?

  2. When and where were the modern Olympic Games held?

  3. When did China return to the Games, and who won the first gold medal?

  4. Who became the first Asian to win the gold medal in men’s 110-metre hurdles?

  Step2. Compare the ancient Olympics and modern Olympics

  The honourable games  Ancient Olympics Modern Olympics Time ____1_____ ____2____

  ________3_________ All ___4___ Both ____5___and ____6____  Held at the ___7____ place Held at the ___8_____ place  Only ___9_____ were allowed to compete. _____10______ from around the world can take part.

  Step3. True or False

  1)????? At the 1984 Barcelona Olympics, Jordan won his second Olympic medal.

  2)????? Haile Gebreselassie first became famous and broke the world for the 10km run in 1992.

  3)????? China returned to the Games after 32 years’ absence.

  4)????? Deng Yaping won four Olympic gold medals and became an IOC member in 1992.

  5)????? Cassius Clay returned to the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996 to light the Olympic flame at the opening ceremony.


  M4 Unit2 Reading

  Language points:

  1. (Line 1)  I am delighted to have been invited  to …….the Olympic Games.

  句型:sb. + be + adj. / v-ed 形式+ to have done sth. 謂語動詞等常用被動語態(tài),不定式完成式表示該動作發(fā)生在謂語動詞之前。

  e.g. _________________________________________. 有人認為他正在進行一項秘密的實驗。

  2. (Line 6)They were held at Olympia in Greece  every four years.

  Every 當“每;每隔”講時,不能用each 替換;every后可用few,但不能接a few, 也不可接some,several, many等詞;every可與“other+單數(shù)名詞連用”。

  每;每隔:Every + 基數(shù)詞 + 復數(shù)名詞

  Every + 序數(shù)詞 + 單數(shù)名詞

  Every other + 單數(shù)名詞

  Every few + 復數(shù)名詞

  e.g. ________________ 每四天,每隔三天    __________________每三天,每隔兩天 __________________每隔一天            ____________________每隔幾天

  3. (Line 9) At the ancient games, the athletes were all men and they had to

  compete wearing no clothes.


  wearing no clothes 是現(xiàn)在分詞短語,在從句中作________,修飾_________,表示伴隨情況。


  _____________________, he nodded from time to time. (時間) 他一邊讀書,一邊不時地點頭。

  ________________, he could not go to the film. (原因) 因為忙,他不能去看電影。

  He hurried home, ____________________________ as he went. (伴隨情況) 他趕緊回家,一邊走一邊不時地向后看。

  4. (Line 14) Today, athletes  from around  the world can take part,  no matter what  language they speak.

  from around 兩個介詞連用,表示更具體的內(nèi)容。(He appeared _______________the tree.)

  no matter what 相當于______________, 引導讓步狀語從句。

  ________________/___________________, don’t open the door. 無論誰敲門,都不要開。

  _________________/___________________, do it well. 無論做什么,都要把它做好。

  5. (Line 16)  It was a Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin, who  restarted the Olympics.

  “It was…… who……”為強調(diào)句型結構,強調(diào)的是a Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin作_______________的同位語。

  1) “It + be +被強調(diào)部分+ who/that……”

  e.g. It was   I   who/that saw him in the street yesterday. (主語)昨天是我在街上看見了他。

  It was in the street that I saw him yesterday. (地狀)我昨天是在街上看見他的。

  2) 一般疑問句形式:Be + it +被強調(diào)部分+ who/that……

  3) 特殊疑問句形式:特殊疑問詞(被強調(diào)部分)+ be + it + who/that……

  4)  not until 的強調(diào)句式:It be not until …… that +……..

  E.g. _____________________ you graduated? 你是2008年畢業(yè)的嗎?

  ___________________ you got home last night? 昨天晚上你是什么時候到家的?

  ______________________________ that I __________ she was a famous film star.


  6. (Line 17)His dream  was that …… make it possible ……side by side.

  1)That 引導表語從句, 不做成分不可省略。在 主語從句 和 同位語從句 中也不做成分不可省略。 E.g. The news ______________________________was encouraging.(同位語從句)


  ________________________we are invited to a concert this evening. (主語從句)


  2)“make it + adj./n. + (for sb.) to do sth.” it 是______賓語,不定式是真正的賓語。用于此句型的動詞還有 think, find, believe, feel, suppose, consider等。

  e.g. He ______________________ those in trouble. 他認為幫助有困難的人是他的責任。

  They have made ______ a rule _______ in the room

  A. this; not to smoking     B. it; smoking    C. it; not to smoke     D. it; not smoking

  7. (Line 19) Now people……and among them are many well-known athletes.


  e.g. _________________________ Christmas trees, flowers, candles and toys.


  _____________________________ some teachers and students.


  _____________________ when women were looked down upon.


  8. (Line 45) At the 2004 … Liu Xiang …the first Asian to win the gold medal in the men’s 110-metre hurdles.

  該句中的 the first 與 to win the gold medal…均作定語修飾名詞Asian。英語中當一個名詞或代詞前有序數(shù)詞或形容詞最高級修飾時,若在需要后置定語,則要用動詞不定式的一般式。

  e.g. ________________________ is from Beijing. 下一班要抵達的列車是北京開過來的的。

  Madam Curie was ___________________________the Nobel Prize twice.


  He is always____________________________.


  -----The last one _______ pays the meal.


  A. arrived     B. to arrive       C. arrives     D. arriving

  Important phrases:

  2. __________________ to do sth. 高興做某事  2. ___the end ____…在…結束時;在…末端

  3. ___________________每四年;每隔三年       4. be ______________ sth. 被允許做…

  5. take _____(in) 參與  6. in _____ of 紀念…;向表示敬意  7. ___________一起;肩并肩

  8. play a______/__________ 起作用   9. ____________ one’s dream 實現(xiàn)夢想

  10. _________ the name of 以… 為筆名       11. ______________ sth. 繼續(xù)做另一件事

  12._________ the record打破紀錄        13. make _______________ to  對…做出貢獻

  14. _________________期待;盼望     15. join sb. __________sth. 與某人一起參加某活動

  16. _________one’s attention 引起注意 17. ______________被看做 18._________一直;總是




  Step1. True or False:

  1. There are only two requirements for a sport entering the Olympics.

  2.  Sports were usually removed because they became less popular and had to make way for new, more popular sports.

  3. Tae kwon do has been added only recently, in 2000.

  4. It’s impossible that wushu can enter the Olympics.

  5. Once the sports were removed, they couldn’t enter the Olympics any more.

  Step2. Fill in the blanks:

  Sports in the Olympics

  How to enter:

  _____1_______ Has its own international ____2_____.  Must be practised by men in at least __3__ countries on at least four continents. In at least 40 countries on three continents women ____4____it.  A current sport must be dropped in order___5____add a new sport. Sports are out Some less popular sports have been removed, ____6_______familiar sports as well as more unusual sports. Sports are in Some sports have been added only recently.

  Many people think that_____7_____ Olympic sports will be included again. Sports are still trying Wushu is trying to___8___ the Olympics. However, it hasn’t got the ____9____of the IOC.

  In the future, wushu fans may ____10___ their dream because the IOC is considering revising sports number and type.

  Language points

  2. Entering a sport into the Olympics can be a long process. (P38)


  can:. 這里can 用來描述特有的行為或情形,常譯為“有時會”

  eg: Children can sometimes be very tiring.

  It can be very cold here, even in May.

  2. These sports were usually removed…to make way for…(P38)

  give way to sth./ make way for sth.

  (1.) to be replaced by sth, esp. because it is better, cheaper, easier被取代替代




  (2.) allow space or a free passage 讓路

  As is known to all, all traffic has to make way for fire-engine.

  __________一路上,一直; 大老遠     ___________順便說一聲;在途中

  by way of  經(jīng)過,經(jīng)由                 find one’s way ______________

  ___________ 在某種程度上;有點,有幾分 in no way     決不

  in the/one’s way擋路                   lead the way ____________

  _____________ 迷路                  ___________ (辛苦地)前進,行走

  ________ 沒門                      on the/one’s way (to)在途中;漸趨于

  under way (船只)航行中,(計劃)進行中





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