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來源:精品學習網(wǎng) 2018-11-13 17:18:24


  2013屆高考英語省略句復習專題12 省略句

  莎士比亞曾經(jīng)說過:Brevity is the soul of wit. (言以簡為貴)。為了使話說得簡明扼要,英語句子中某個單詞、短語甚至從句或主句都可以省去。這種省去句子某些成分而保持句子意思不變的現(xiàn)象,稱為省略(ellipsis)。

  一、 省略的目的


  A. 避免重復,減少累贅。


  Mike said that he would come to school to see me the next day, but he didn't come to school to see me the next day. 邁克說他第二 天要來學?次遥堑诙焖]有來學?次摇

  -- Mike said that he would come to school to see me the next day, but he didn't. 邁克說他第二天要來學?次遥撬]有來。(省掉最后九個詞,句子簡潔多了)

  — What did he want yesterday 他昨天要了什么?

  — An apple. 一個蘋果。(如果回答時說出全文“He wanted an apple yesterday”,便顯得別扭,不自然)

  B. 連接緊密,結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊。


  John was the winner in 1994 and Bob in 1998. 約翰是1994年的獲勝者,鮑勃是1998年的獲勝者。(Bob后省略了was the winner,句子結(jié)構(gòu)顯得比較緊湊)

  In some places we stopped in tents for the night, in other places in caves. 我們在有些地方住在帳篷里過夜,在有些地方住在山洞里。(in other places 后省略了主語和謂語we stopped for the night,上下文連接更加緊密)





  Truth speaks too low, hypocrisy too loud. 真理講話聲太低,虛偽講話聲太高。(后一分句省略謂語speaks,突出了too loud)

  — Have you told him that 你把那告訴他了嗎?

  — Not yet. 還沒有呢。(= I have not told him that yet. 強調(diào)not yet )

  二、 可省略的成分


  A. 功能詞的省略



  They elected John (the) monitor of the class. 他們選約翰當班長。

  A man and (a) woman are talking in the office. 辦公室一男一女正在談話。

  He could not understand why there was no noise coming from the house, not even the sound of the radio or (the) television. 他不明白為什么從屋子里一點響聲也沒傳出來,甚至連收音機和電視機的聲音也沒有。



  Chinese President Stresses Role of Working Class 中國國家主席強調(diào)工人階級作用 (新聞標題 = The Chinese President Stresses the Role of the Working Class)

  People Rebuild Homes After Flood 洪水退后人民重建家園(新聞標題 = The People Rebuild Their Homes After the Flood)

  DO NOT SPEAK TO DRIVER WHILE BUS IS IN MOTION 汽車在行駛時請勿和司機講話。(告示 = Do not speak to the driver while the bus is in motion)


  I went to the market, (I) bought something useful, and (I) returned home within an hour. 我去了市場,買了點有用的東西,一小時之內(nèi)就回來了。

  They didn't like it, yet (they) said nothing. 他們并不喜歡它,可是什么話也沒說。

  (It) Doesn't matter. 這不礙事。

  (You) Had a good time, didn't you 玩得開心,是吧?

  I like your two small bottles, but I don't like the smallest (one). 我喜歡你的兩只小瓶子,但我不喜歡最小的那一只。


  We are delighted (that) you can come. 你能來,我們很高興。

  I believe (that) you will succeed.我相信你們會成功的。

  It's a pity (that) he's leaving. 他要走,真遺憾。


  I'll give you all (that) I have. 我要把我所有的一切都給你。

  He read the book (which) I got yesterday. 他看過我昨天買的書了。

  It wasn't I (who) let him in. 不是我放他進來的。

  It happened on the day (when) we first met. 這發(fā)生在我們初次見面的那一天。

  There is a man (who) wants to see you. 有個人想要見你。


  (Does) Anyone want a drink 有誰要喝一杯嗎?

  Who (do) you think you are 你以為你是誰?(在特殊疑問句中,當主語是第二人稱時,助動詞do可省略)

  I (have) got to go now. 我得走了。


  I hope to finish my job and (to) go back home. 我希望做完事回家。(當幾個不定式并列時,一般只需在第一個不定式前用to)

  What we could do was (to) get away. (主語從句中含有do,那么作表語的動詞不定式往往省略to)

  We did not dare (to) speak. 我們不敢說話。(dare作行為動詞用時,否定式可省略to)

  There is nothing to do but (to) obey the orders. 除了服從命令之外,我們別無他法。(介詞but前如有do,but后可省略to)



  To be or not to be, that is the question. 活著還是死亡,這就是問題所在。(莎士比亞)

  It was better to laugh than to cry. 笑比哭好。


  He went (in) that way. 他往那邊去了。

  The two boys are (of) the same age. 這兩個男孩年齡一樣大。

  I am in doubt (about) whether this is right or not. 我拿不定主意這對不對。

  You may come to see me (at) any time between 4 and 5. 你在4點到5點之間隨時都可以來見我。

  She must have stayed here (for) a long time. 她在這里一定呆了很久了。



  be busy (in) doing sth. 忙于做某事

  spend time (in) doing sth. 花時間做某事

  waste energy (in) doing sth. 浪費精力做某事

  have difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有困難

  have a good time (in) doing sth. 某事做得非常愉快

  have a hard time (in) doing sth. 某事做得很艱難

  take turns (in) doing sth. 輪流做某事

  It is no use (in) doing sth. 做某事沒有用

  It is no good (in) doing sth. 做某事無益

  There is no hurry (in) doing sth. 不必著急做某事

  There is no point (in) doing sth. 做某事無意義

  There is no use (in) doing sth. 做某事沒有用


  (There) Ought to be some coffee in the pot. 壺里應(yīng)該有些咖啡的。

  (There) Must be somebody waiting for you. 肯定有人在等你。

  B. 句子成分的省略



  Hope so. 希望如此。(= I hope so.)

  Beg your pardon. 請你原諒。(= I beg your pardon.)

  Take care! 當心!(= You take care.)

  Looks as if it will rain. 看起來像要下雨。(= It looks as if it will rain.)

  Serves you right. 你活該!(= It serves you right.)


  祈使句主語通常省略(如Take care! 當心!)。但有時為了明確對方,可加上主語。

  You feed the bird today, will you 今天你喂鳥,好嗎?

  Somebody answer the phone, please. 請來個人接一下電話。


  Anything the matter?要緊嗎?(= Is anything the matter)

  Who next 該誰了?(= Who comes next)

  Just a moment, please. 請等一會兒。(= Just wait a moment, please.)

  The river was deep and the ice thin. 河很深,冰很薄。(= The river was deep and the ice was thin.)

  We'll do the best we can. 我們將盡力而為。(= We'll do the best we can do.)

  What we can't get seems better than what we have. 我們得不到的似乎要比我們已經(jīng)得到的要好。(= What we can't get seems better than what we have got.)


  Are you ready Yes, I am. 你準備好了嗎? 我準備好了。(am后面省略了表語ready)

  He is a lover of sports as he was in his youth. 他還是像年輕時那樣,是一位運動愛好者。(was后面省略了表語a lover of sports)

  China has been, and still is, the most populous country in the world. 中國過去是,而且現(xiàn)在還是世界上人口最多的國家。 (= China has been the most populous country in the world and still is the most populous country in the world.)


  We have to analyze and solve problems. 我們必須分析問題解決問題。(analyze后省略了賓語problems)

  I struck match after match, but could not light. 我劃了一根又一根火柴,但一根也沒劃著。(light后省略了賓語a match)

  Let's do the dishes. I'll wash and you'll dry. 讓我們洗碗吧,我來洗,你來揩干。(wash和dry后面省略了賓語dishes)


  He spent part of the money, and the rest he saved. 他花了一部分錢,其余的他都存了起來。(the rest后面省略了定語of the money)


  (Even) The wisest man cannot know everything. 即使最聰明的人也不能無所不知。

  Mary spoke (rudely), and John answered rudely. 瑪麗說得粗魯,約翰答得也粗魯。

  He was not hurt. (How) Strange! 他沒有受傷,真奇怪!

  三、 省略在句子中的運用


  A. 簡單句中的省略


  Like more beer 再要點啤酒嗎?(= Would you like more beer)

  — Would you mind if I used your telephone 用一下你的電話,你介意嗎?

  — Not at all. 一點也不。(= I do not mind at all.)

  — Will he pass this examination他這次考試會通過嗎?

  — Probably. 大概會的。(= He will probably pass the examination.)



  An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 一日之計在于晨。(在two后補上hours顯得羅嗦。)

  It is now ten to seven. 現(xiàn)在七點十分。(如說It is now ten minutes to seven o'clock. 顯得累贅)

  No parking. 禁止停車。(= No parking is allowed here. 告示用語,補上不合乎習慣。)


  All aboard! 請上船。(=All go aboard. 省略謂語)

  What exciting news! 多么令人激動的消息啊!(= What exciting news it is! 省略主語+謂語)

  Sounds like a good idea. 聽上去是個好主意。(= It sounds like a good idea. 省略主語)

  Everybody appears well prepared. 看起來大家都準備好了。(=Everybody appears to be well prepared. 省略不定式to be)

  B. 并列句中的省略



  John likes collecting stamps but (John) hates listening to music. 約翰喜歡集郵但不喜歡聽音樂。(省略主語)

  Some books are to be tasted, others (are) to be swallowed, and some few (are) to be chewed and digested. 有些書是應(yīng)當嘗嘗滋味的,有些書是應(yīng)當吞食下去的,有少數(shù)書是應(yīng)當咀嚼和消化的。(省略謂語)

  I have been to Beijing and (I have) seen the Great Wall. 我到過北京,見到了萬里長城。(省略主語+助動詞)

  I asked him to see the film, but he didn't want to (see the film). 我請他去看電影,但他不想去。(省略作賓語的不定式)



  —Will you join in the game 你愿意參加這項活動嗎?

  —I'd be glad to (join in the game). 我很樂意參加。

  I didn't want to go there, but I had to (go there). 我不想去那里,但沒辦法。


  We can (win tomorrow's match), and certainly will, win tomorrow's match. 我們能夠,而且一定會在明天的比賽中獲勝。(前一分句省略謂語+賓語)

  I wished (to find him), yet feared to find him. 我又想找到他,又怕找到他。


  They can (pay the full fee) and (they) should pay the full fee. 他們能夠也應(yīng)該支付全部費用。

  I'll fly to (Guangzhou), but (I'll) drive back from Guangzhou. 我將飛往廣州,但開車回來。




  (I'm) Sorry I couldn't go. 很抱歉,我不能去。

  (Is there) Nothing more you want to say 你沒什么要補充嗎?


  (It is a ) Pity he's failed. 很遺憾,他失敗了。

  If he says he'll come, he will (come). 如果他說來,他就一定會來。

  What (will happen) if it's raining 如果天下雨怎么辦?

  — Where is it 那東西在哪里?

  —(It is) Where you left it. 就在你放的地方。

  — How are you getting on with your English 你的英語學得怎么樣?

  — (I'm) Not (getting on) so well as I expected.沒有我預(yù)計的那樣好。

  — Will you go abroad soon 你很快要出國嗎?

  — (I'll) Not (go abroad) until I graduate from the college next summer. 要到明年夏天大學畢業(yè)后才走。


  ①以when, while, once, until等連詞引導的時間狀語從句

  When (you are) in Rome do as Rome does. 入國問禁,入鄉(xiāng)隨俗。

  Whenever (it is) possible, you should speak English as much as you can. 在任何可能的時間,你應(yīng)多講英語。(省略的主語it并不和主句的主語一致)

  Please come as soon as (it is) possible. 請盡快來。



  The old machine must be checked before it is used. 這臺舊機器在使用前必須檢查。

  【誤】The old machine must be checked before used. (動詞的-ed形式不可做介詞的賓語)

  【正】The old machine must be checked before being used.

  He told me the truth after he was asked three times. 問了他三遍他才告訴我真相。

  【誤】He told me the truth after asked three times.

  【正】He told me the truth after being asked three times.

  ②以as if, as though等連詞引導的方式狀語從句

  She lay there, as if (she was) dead. 她躺在那兒,好像死了。(省略的主語和主句的主語一致)

  He opened his lips as if (he were going) to say something. 他張開嘴唇,好像要說什么話似的。

 、垡詉f, unless等連詞引導的條件狀語從句

  We shall start at eight, if (it is) convenient. 如果方便的話,我們八點鐘出發(fā)。

  Correct the mistakes in the following sentences, if (there are) any. 如果下面句子中有錯,請加以改正。

  English words are easily forgotten unless (they are) constantly repeated. 英語單詞不經(jīng)常重復是很容易忘記的。

 、芤詄ven if, even though, though, although, whether等連詞引導的讓步狀語從句

  Frost is possible, though (it is) not probable, even at the end of May. 甚至在五月底下霜也是可能的,雖然可能性不太大。

  Whether (it is) difficult or not, we will try our best to complete the task. 不管任務(wù)是否艱巨,我們都要盡力去完成。

  Whatever the cause (may be), the result is certain. 不論原因是什么,結(jié)果是確定的。

  Though (he is) young, he knows a lot. 他雖然年輕但懂得很多。



  He hurt his leg while (he was) riding a horse. 他在騎馬時傷了腿。

  When (you are) cycling, don't forget the traffic lights. 騎車時,不要忘記看紅綠燈。

  Once (it is) seen, it can never be forgotten. 一旦看見,就永遠不會忘記。

  If (it is) burnt, rubber can give off a poisonous gas. 橡膠如果燃燒起來,會發(fā)出有毒氣體。



  James enjoys the theatre more than Susan. 詹姆斯比蘇姆更喜歡戲劇。(Susan后省略了enjoys the theatre)

  Tom has as many books as Jack. 湯姆有跟杰克一樣多的書。(Jack后省略了has many books)


  Brown speaks French as fluently as English. 布朗說法語和英語一樣流利。(as后省略了he speaks)

  She was more angry than frightened. 與其說她害怕,倒不如說她生氣。(than后省略了She was)


  Mrs White is not so young as she looks. 懷特夫人沒有看上去那樣年輕。(looks后省略了young)

  The situation is much more delicate than it seems. 情況要比表面上看起來微妙得多。(seems后省略了delicate)


  He is working harder than before. 他現(xiàn)在工作比過去努力多了。(than后省略了he worked hard)

  There are as many students in our school as in their school. 我們學校的學生和他們學校的學生一樣多。(as后省略了there are many students)


  He drank a little more than was good for him. 他喝酒稍有一點過量。(than后省略了it)


  You spent more money than I had expected. 你花掉的錢比我預(yù)料的多。(expected后省略了that you should spend)

  I was able to borrow as many books as (what) I asked for. 我想要的許多書如數(shù)借到。


  You are getting slimmer. 你越來越苗條了。(slimmer后省略了than you were before)

  It is not only blind men who make such stupid mistakes. People who can see sometimes act just as foolishly. 不僅僅只是瞎子才犯如此愚蠢的錯誤。有時候,眼睛看得見的人也做出同樣的蠢事。(foolishly后省略了as blind men act)



  He is taller than I am. 他比我高。(am之后省略tall,補上不合習慣)


  The sooner (this is done), the better (it will be). 越快越好。

  (If you take) No pains, (you will make) no gains. (諺)不勞則無獲。

  C. 使用替代詞的省略

  我們在省略句子某些成分時,有時還必須加上適當?shù)奶娲~,如do, so, one等,以保持句子意思的完整。



  I know you better than he does. 我比他更了解你。(he does等于he knows you)

  --- Have you finished your work

  --- Yes, I did yesterday. (did替代finished my work)


  so在expect, think, imagine, hope, suppose, believe等詞后面,代替單詞、詞組或句子。

  She became a loyal friend to me and remains so. 她成了我的一個忠誠的朋友,而且一直如此。(so替代a loyal friend)

  --- Has she ever been to London 她曾到過倫敦嗎

  --- I don't think so. 我想她沒去過。(= I don't think she has been to



  也可使用do so, do that來代替動詞加賓語。

  He said he would make the bed for me but he didn't do so. 他說他幫我整理床鋪的,但是他沒有這樣做。(do so代替make the bed for me)

  They played cards after supper and I watched them do that. 他們晚飯后打牌,我在一旁觀看。(do that代替play cards)



  --- Will it rain tomorrow 明天會下雨嗎

  --- I hope not. 我希望不會。(= I hope it won't rain tomorrow.)

  --- Can you come next week 你下星期能來嗎

  --- I'm afraid not. 恐怕我不能來。(= I'm afraid that I can not come.)

  4.the same

  the same可代替詞組或從句。

  The mother swept the floor and her child did the same. 母親掃地, 孩子也跟著干。(the same代替swept the floor)

  Kate ordered two fried eggs. I ordered the same. 凱特點了兩個煎雞蛋,我也點了同樣的菜。(the same代替two fried eggs)

  These oranges are just as sour as the last ones we had. They taste the same. 這些桔子和我們上次吃的一樣酸。他們味道一樣。(the same代替as sour as the last ones we had)



  I haven't got any books; can you lend me one 我沒有書,你能借我一本嗎

  The white dresses go with the hat better than the blue ones. 白色套裝比藍色套裝更配這頂帽子。



  Up to you!你說了算!

  Believe me. 相信我。

  Give me a hand. 幫我一下。

  Doesn't matter. 沒關(guān)系。

  Me too. 我也一樣。

  Not yet. 還沒有。

  Too bad! 太糟糕啦!

  Mind you!當心!

  Where to 要去哪兒?

  Sure, no problem. 當然,沒問題。

  That much 太貴了吧?

  Get lost! 滾開!

  So that explains it. 原來如此

  Too strange to be true! 太奇怪了,不真實。

  See what I mean 了解我的意思嗎?





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