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高三英語教案:《Unit 1 cultural relics》教學設計

來源:學科網(wǎng) 2018-11-13 15:28:53

  Unit 1 cultural relics

  重點單詞:survive, design, fancy, doubt, worth,

  識記單詞:rare, valuable, vase, dynasty, amaze, select, honey, design, style, decorate, jewel, artist, belong, troop, reception, remove, wooden, former, local, painting, castle, trial, evidence, explode, entrance, sailor, sink, debate

  重點短語:in search of, belong to, in return, take apart, think highly of

  一 重點單詞


  Is it enough to have survived for a long time? (P1)

  (1)vi. 繼續(xù)生存或存在

  No plants / animals can survive without water.

  沒有植物 / 動物離開水可以生存下來的。

  (2)vt. 幸免于難

  He survived the battle / air crash / earthquake / explosion / shipwreck.

  他從戰(zhàn)場上 / 空難中 / 地震中 / 爆炸中 / 船只失事中幸存下來。

  (3)vt. 比(某人)長壽

  She survived her husband for twenty years.


  Survivor    生存者,幸存者

  Survival     生存,幸存        Survival chance 生存機會,生還機會

  Survive on 靠…活下來;靠…生存

  練習:After the traffic accident, no one ______except a few people who were badly injured.

  A. survive   B. survived   C. was survived   D. was surviving


  vt. 設計;計劃;構思

  n. 設計;圖案

  The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days. (P1)


  in design 在設計上

  by design ≈ on purpose 故意地

  be designed for 打算做…用

  be designed to do 目的是…

  Design sb. to be 打算讓某人從事某職業(yè)

  The film is designed for the young. 這部電影是專門為年輕人拍攝的。

  The dress is very good in design. 這條裙子設計的很好。

  練習The lab building__________(由…設計) a famous architect last month.


  The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days. (P1)

  adj. 不尋常的; 精致的

  v. 想; 以為; 想像

  n. 想象力; 渴望, 喜愛


  1).That’s a very fancy pair of shoes! 那是一雙非常別致的鞋!

  2). I fancy (that) it's going to rain today. 我看今天要下雨


  fancy that…以為是……

  fancy (sb’s) doing…想像(某人)做某事

  fancy oneself     自負;自命不凡

  fancy sb. to be / as 想象/認為某人會成為……

  be full of fancies 異想天開; 充滿幻想

  have a fancy for 愛好; 愛上; 入迷


  There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg, which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea. (P2)



  I doubt his word. 我懷疑他的話。

  They doubted him before. 他們以前曾經(jīng)懷疑過他。

  I don’t doubt that he can finish the task on time. 我相信他能按時完成任務。

  2)doubt也可作不及物動詞,“懷疑,不信”,在肯定句中常接whether / if 從句,在否定句中常接 that 從句。

  I doubt whether we can get the first place in the competition.

  I don’t doubt that he will tell us the truth.


  1)doubt用在否定句中,后面接that引導的同位語從句。常見的同位語從句有There is no doubt that...和sb. has/have no doubt that...

  I have no doubt that he will succeed. 我相信他會成功的。

  There is no doubt that they will agree with you on this matter.



  He had his doubts whether they would give him another chance.


  There is some doubt whether their football team will win the match.


  ※ There is no doubt 后接名詞時,需用介詞 about / of。

  There is no doubt about / of his honesty.

  There is no doubt that we can finish our task ahead of time.


  in doubt about...表示“對……懷疑;拿不定主意”。

  no/without/beyond doubt “無疑地;必定;當然”,常放在句首作狀語。

  make no doubt of...“對……毫不懷疑”


  doubt:1)consider unlikely(以為…不可能)?

  2)feel uncertain or undecided about(感覺不可能或不堅決果斷地)

  She said she would help me with my work, but I doubt whether she was in earnest.

  suspect:1)believe not to be true or probable(認為不真實或不可能)?

  2)believe to be guilty(認為…有罪)?

  3)have doubts about or distrust(懷疑或不信任).

  The police suspected him of stealing the money.

  They suspected his words because he had lied before.


  It is worth rebuilding lost cultural relics such as the Amber Room or Yuan Ming Yuan in Beijing? (P2)

  Adj. “值……的,有……的價值的” 在句中一般作表語,有時也可用作定語

  a place worth seeing(值得一看的地方)

  a dictionary worth $50(一本值50美元的詞典)


  …be worth + n. 值得…

  The book is worth the price.這本書值這個價。

  …be worth doing… 值得做…

  The book is (well) worth reading.這本書很值得一讀。


  Worthy adj. 值得的;有價值的;配得上的,相稱的;

  …be a worthy + n.        He is a worthy successor.他是一個當之無愧的接班人

  …be worthy of being done    The book is worthy of being read.這本書值得一讀

  … be worthy to be done      The book is worthy to be read.   這本書值得一讀

  二 識記單詞

  1.Amazing adj. 令人吃驚的

  Amazement n. 驚奇

  In amazement 驚奇地

  Be amazed at 對…大為驚訝

  To one’s amazement 令人驚奇的是

  2.Select vt. 挑選 選擇


  Which place in the world would you select as your perfect home?


  We choose her a nice birthday present.


  If he loses his appeal, the ANC will elect a new youth league leader.


  It took her two hours to pick a dress that suited her.

  3. Decorate v. 裝飾, 裝修

  Decorate sth with…

  Sth be decorated with…

  How are you going to decorate your apartment?

  Their classroom is decorated with portraits of scientists.

  4. Remove vt. 移動, 搬開


  Remove: 強調放棄原來的位置而達到新的位置,此外還可表達”脫掉,消除”

  Move: 強調姿態(tài)和位置的改變,并不表示”清除掉”

  He removed the picture and put it in the drawer.

  He is going to move his furniture.

  5. Former adj. 從前的,以前的   反義詞: latter

  The former option favors the young.

  This latter point is of great importance.

  6. Explode vi. 爆炸 (多與with和into連用)

  The bomb exploded.

  The boss exploded with anger when he saw the sales report.

  三 重點短語

  1.in search of 尋找

  in search of = in one's/the search for=to look for    為了尋找, 追求, 搜尋

  Mark went in search of water. (=Mark went to search for water.)


  表“尋找”的詞:seek for, hunt for, find, trace

  search sb. 搜身

  You have no right to search me. If you insist, you'll violate the law.

  你沒權搜我的身, 如果你偏要這樣, 你將觸犯法律。

  search sb. / sth. for…為找到……而搜查某人 / 某物 / 某地方

  The policemen searched the woods for the escaped prisoner.

  (=The policemen searched for the escaped prisoner in the woods.)


  search into 調查, 研究

  search out 搜(查)出, 探出

  search through把……仔細搜尋一遍

  練習He ____all his pockets but failed to find money.

  A. searched       B. searched for

  C. was in search of       D. looked for

  2.belong to屬于

  belong to為不及物動詞詞組, 不可用于被動語態(tài)。

  Belong to可以引申為以:“是……中的一員; 是…中一部分;應該在某處”

  【拓展】belong 1) vi.應被放置在,應處在(某處),適合在某處,不與to連用,后面通常跟副詞和其他介詞短語

  I don’t really feel I belong here.   我感覺我并不適合在這個地方

  2)不用于進行時態(tài)和被動語態(tài)。To 為介詞,其后接代詞、名詞類短語及從句,表示所歸屬的對象

  3)belongings n.財產(chǎn),所有物;行李

  She lost all her belongings in the earthquake.    她在地震中失去了所有的財產(chǎn)

  練習As is known to us all, China is a developing country________ the third world.

  A. belonging      B. belonged    C. belonging to     D. belonged to

  3.in return

  In return, the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldier.(P2)

  in return 作為回報,作為回饋

  In return, we drove John back home. 為報答約翰,我們開車把他送回家。

  in return of 作為……的回報

  I bought him a drink in return of his help.


  【拓展】 in praise of 稱贊……   in favor of 贊成

  in honor of 為向……表示敬意,為了紀念……

  make return for 報答……

  many happy returns福壽無疆, 長命百歲

  without return 無利潤

  練習1. He has given me so much help that I really want to do some for him _________.

  A. in turn  B. by return  C. in return  D. in answer

  2. He helps me with English, and I help him with Chinese ________.

  A. for return  B. as return  C. in return  D. to return

  4.take apart

  The old man saw some Germans taking apart the Amber room and removing it. (P9)

  My computer doesn't work, and my son is to take it apart and give it a check.

  我的電腦出問題了, 我的兒子把它拆開進行檢查。

  fall apart 土崩瓦解

  tell A and B apart 分辨, 區(qū)分(=tell A from B)

  apart from 除……外 (既可代替besides又可代替except)

  joking apart 說正經(jīng)兒的

  5.think highly of

  ≈have a good opinion of    看重, 器重, 高度評價

  They think highly of your work abilities.


  What do you think of sb. / sth.?你認為某人 / 某物怎么樣?

  think much / well of 對……評價良好(=think highly of)

  think nothing of 對……無所謂, 不把……當回事

  think badly / poorly / little / ill of 對……評價不高

  speak highly of 高度贊揚

  speak well / ill of 說…好/壞話





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