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首頁 > 高中頻道 > 高一英語學習方法 > 2011暑假必備寶典之高一英語知識點總結Unit9-10(9)


2011-07-11 17:17:03高考網(wǎng)整合

  6. in danger在危險中

    [短語]in danger of有……的危險

    out of danger 脫離危險

    full of danger 充滿危險的

    a danger to society 社會的危險人物/事物

    [拓展]dangerous 危險的,指給別人造成危險

    The boy is seriously iIl and his life is in danger.那個男孩病得很重,生命垂危。He has been very ill. The doctor says that he is now out of danger.他一直病得很厲害,醫(yī)生說他現(xiàn)在已脫離了危險。

  7. make a difference 造成差別,有影響

    make a big difference = make much difference 造成很大差別

    make no / little difference 沒有差別

    make some / any difference 有些差別

    Who will win makes no difference to me.誰將獲勝對于我來說沒什么兩樣。= It makes no difference to me who will win. / Does it make any difference whether he will come? 他來不來會有差別嗎?

  8. stay in touch with = keep in touch with 與……保持聯(lián)系(狀態(tài)) The salesman stays / keeps in touch with the office by phone. 推銷員通過電話與辦公室保持聯(lián)系。

    [短語]be in touch with 和…有聯(lián)系(狀態(tài));get in touch with 和…取得聯(lián)系(動作) ;lose touch with 和…失去聯(lián)系(動作);be out of touch with 和…失去聯(lián)系(狀態(tài))

  9. take measures

    (1) measure ① 名詞“措施,辦法”,take measures to do something 采取措施做某事;②名詞“最度,尺寸” make clothes to one's own measure 根據(jù)某人的尺寸做衣服;名詞“計量單位”。We must take necessary measures to solve these problems one by one.我們必須采取必要的措施逐個解決這些問題。/ I went to the tailor's to make a suit to my own measure last week. 上周我去裁縫店量體做一套衣服。/ A meter is a measure of length. 米是長度單位。

    (2) measure 既可以用作及物動詞也可以用作不及物動詞,意思是“量,測量”。 My mother is measuring me for clothes. 我媽媽在給我量尺寸做衣服。/ It measures easily if spread on the table. 要是把它鋪在桌子上,量起來可更容易些。

   [注意]表示“采取措施做某事”還可以用do something / things to do something。We must do something to prevent SARS. 我們必須采取措施預防非典型性肺炎。/Have you done anything to deal with that problem? 你采取措施解決那個問題了嗎?

  10. 含介詞 to 的短語

  (1) according to 根據(jù)……所說

  (2) adapt to 適應

  (3) come to oneself 蘇醒,恢復知覺

  (4) devote...to 獻身于……,專心于……

  (5) get to 到達

  (6) give birth to 生(孩子)

  (7) lead to 通向,導致

  (8) listen to 聽

  (9) make one's way to... 往……走

  (10) make a contribution to 貢獻給,捐贈

  (11) on one's way to 在……途中

  (12) owe...to...把……歸功于……

  (13) point to 指向……

  (14) prefer...to... 喜歡……勝似……;寧愿干……而不愿


  (15) to one's surprise 令(某人)驚訝

  (16) say goodbye to 告別,告辭

  (17) thanks to 由于,多虧

  (18) get down to 著手

  (19) belong to 屬于

  (20) pay attention to 注意

  (21) stick to 堅持

  (22) object to 反對

  (23) be opposed to 反對

  (24) refer to 參閱,涉及

  [例句]Everyone should make a contribution to a charity collection. 每個人都應該給慈善事業(yè)捐贈。/ At first I couldn't see anything when l stepped out of the room,but my eyes adapted to the dark bit by bit. 我剛走出房間時,起初什么也看不到,但是慢慢地我的眼睛適應了漆黑的環(huán)境。/ Thanks to the arrival of the police, the murderer was caught. 由于警察的趕到兇手才被捉住。/ We owe our great achievements to the correct leadership of the Party. 我們把取得的偉大成就歸功于黨的正確領導。/ After I graduated from university, l continued to devote myself to research. 我大學畢業(yè)后繼續(xù)進行研究。/ Too much work and too little rest often leads to illness. 勞動量大且休息得很少經常導致疾病。

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