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首頁(yè) > 高中頻道 > 高一英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 2011暑假必備寶典之高一英語(yǔ)知識(shí)點(diǎn)總結(jié)Unit9-10(10)


2011-07-11 17:17:03高考網(wǎng)整合

  【考例】(2004湖北) Once a decision has been made, all of us should ____ it.

      A. direct to    B. stick to   C. lead to   D. refer to


  [答案與解析]B  direct to 指引,指導(dǎo);stick to 堅(jiān)持;lead to 通向,導(dǎo)致;refer to 提到,談到,參考。本句話意思是“一旦做出決定,就應(yīng)該堅(jiān)持”。

  【考例】(2005浙江) The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without ____ his notes.

      A. bringing up    B. referring to

      C. looking for    D. trying on


  [答案與解析]B  refer to 意為“參照,提到”;bring up意為“撫養(yǎng),養(yǎng)育”;look for 意為“尋找”;try on 意為“試穿”。題意“主席在商務(wù)會(huì)議上做了將近一小時(shí)的發(fā)言沒(méi)有看稿。”



  1. In generally, most teenagers now listen to rock music. However, Jonah prefers classical music.

  2. I suppose Robert is fit the job in case he can put his mind to it.

  3. Eat too much fat can lead to heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

  4. He has devoted his whole life to benefit mankind.

  5. Tom's interests include basketball, bowling, and surfing the Web as good as studying his favorable subjects.


  1. spend, cost, take, pay, pay for

    (1) spend的主語(yǔ)必須是“人”,賓語(yǔ)可以是錢(qián)、精力、時(shí)間等,其后用on+名詞或用in(可省略) + 動(dòng)名詞形式,不接不定式。He spends much money on books. 他平時(shí)將很多錢(qián)用在買(mǎi)書(shū)上。/ He spent a lot of money (in) buying a new car. 他花很多錢(qián)買(mǎi)一輛新車(chē)。

    (2) cost的主語(yǔ)必須是“物”或“事”,表示“費(fèi)用”、“耗費(fèi)”,后接life,money,health,time等,側(cè)重于“花費(fèi)”的代價(jià)。The book cost him one dollar. 這本書(shū)用了他一美元。/ Making experiments like this costs much time and labor. 做這樣的實(shí)驗(yàn)要花很多時(shí)間和勞力。

    [注意]cost后不能與具體的時(shí)間長(zhǎng)度連用,只能與表示抽象概念的時(shí)間短語(yǔ)連用。如:some time, much time, ten years of hard work 等?烧f(shuō)It cost him ten years of work. 不可說(shuō)It cost him ten years to work.

  (3) take 表示“花費(fèi)”時(shí),其主語(yǔ)一般是“一件事”,有時(shí)主語(yǔ)也可以是人,它說(shuō)明事情完成“花費(fèi)了……”。 It took me ten minutes to go to the post office.到郵局用去了我十分鐘時(shí)間。/ The producer took two years to make the film.  制片商用了兩年時(shí)間拍這部新影片。

    [說(shuō)明] take...to do sth. 句型側(cè)重完成該動(dòng)作花費(fèi)的時(shí)間,而spend...doing sth. 有時(shí)并不說(shuō)明動(dòng)作的完成。It took him an hour to read the book.他用一小時(shí)讀完了這本書(shū)。/ He spent an hour (in) reading the book.他用了一小時(shí)讀這本書(shū)。(是否讀完并未說(shuō)明)

    (4) pay 的基本意思是“支付”,作為及物動(dòng)詞,賓語(yǔ)可  以是“人”、“錢(qián)”。He paid the taxi and hurried to the station.  他付了出租車(chē)的錢(qián),急忙向車(chē)站趕去。We'll pay you in a few days. 幾天后我們會(huì)給你錢(qián)。

    (5) pay for的賓語(yǔ)為“物”、“事”,for 表示支付的原因。  You'll have to pay me ten dollars a week for your meals.你得每周付給我十美元飯錢(qián)。


  (1)下面兩句中pay for的意義不同。Of course we have to pay for what we buy.當(dāng)然我們買(mǎi)東西得付錢(qián)。Don't worry about money. I'll pay for you. 別擔(dān)心錢(qián),我會(huì)替你付的。

    (2) pay the bill 付賬;pay taxes 納稅;pay wages 發(fā)工資


  2. agree with, agree to, agree on

    (1) ① agree with 的意思是“同意”,“贊成”。后面常接表示人或意見(jiàn)(看法)的名詞或代詞作賓語(yǔ)。Does she agree with us? 她同意我們的意見(jiàn)嗎?

    ② agree with 還有“與……一致”,“(氣候、食物等)適  合”的意思。His words do not agree with his actions.他言行不一致。Too much meat doesn't agree with her.吃太多肉食對(duì)她身體不合適。

    [注意]agree with不能用于被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)。

    (2) agree to 意為“同意”,“贊成”,后面跟表示“提議”,“辦法”,“計(jì)劃”,“安排”等的名詞或代詞。Please agree to this arrangement.請(qǐng)同意這個(gè)安排。

    (3) agree on 表示“對(duì)……取得一致意見(jiàn)”,指兩方或多方就某個(gè)問(wèn)題取得了一致的意見(jiàn)或是達(dá)成了某種協(xié)議。After discussion the two sides agreed on a cease-fire. 經(jīng)過(guò)討論,雙方就停火問(wèn)題達(dá)成了協(xié)議。

[標(biāo)簽:高一 英語(yǔ)]






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