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您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 > 高考資源網(wǎng) > 高中教案 > 高一英語教案 > 高一英語教案:《Friendship》教案三








來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源 2019-09-04 19:19:25



  upset          ignore           calm           concern           loose

  Netherlands    German         series           outdoors          dusk

  entire          thunder          power          curtain           dusty

  partner         settle           highway         recover           pack

  suitcase        overcoat         teenager         exactly          disagree

  grateful        dislike           tip             swap            item


  go through              set down                 a series of

  on purpose              walk the dog              no longer

  in order to              at dusk                   face to face

  suffer from              get tired of                pack up

  get along with           fall in love                join in

  have trouble with sb.      no way                  feel at home

  have got to              be crazy about            calm down

  be concerned about       as far as – be concerned    be concerned with

  should have done         must have done          could have done

  happen to sb             happen to do             it happens that---

  be tired of               be sick of                be fed up with

  be bored with            be upset about            be ignorant of

  add up                  add to                   add---to---

  add up to                in one’s power 盡某人能力所及,在某人掌控之中


  1. calm down     keep calm

  She lit a cigarette to calm herself down.

  It’s very important to keep calm when the earthquake breaks out.

  calm  quiet   still    silent

  2.concern oneself about/for            be concerned about/for 擔(dān)心

  concern oneself with/in   從事,參與 be concerned with  涉及,與—有關(guān)

  concern sb/sth  和--有關(guān)

  concerning    concerned

  How much money i can make is not my concern.

  This unit is concerned with friends and friendship.

  There is no need to concern yourself in this matter.

  The concerned parents were all concerned about their children’s safety.

  3. set down 記下,寫下     放下     讓— 下車

  The bus sets the children down just outside the school gate.

  Please set down everything you have heard in the class.

  She set down her drink and went out.

  set off  set out for      set up   set aside

  set down to do 開始做某事  set about doing   set out to do

  4. He hasn’t turned up up to now and I can’t wait any longer.(延續(xù)性動詞,時間)

  After she graduated, she came no more.(常和非延續(xù)性動詞連用,數(shù)量程度不增)

  5. Ambitions never die until there is no way out.

  Not until he left his home, did he begin to know how important the family was for him.

  It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a film star.

  6. get sb doing 讓—開始做—have sb doing 讓—一直做—

  get sb to do              have sb do

  get sth done              have sth done

  can you get the machine running?

  Where are you going to get/have your hair cut?

  I will get someone to repair my computer.

  7. while walking the dog, he was careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.

  If (it’s) necessary, I will send several people to help you.

  8.You must have seen the film Shaolin Temple.

  You may have read about it in the papers.

  You could have come here a little earlier.

  Must have done   can’t have done  could have done  may/might have done

  Should/need/could/might/ought to/would have done

  9.make + 賓語+賓補(bǔ)(n./adj./v./done.) make it adj.to do  be made to do

  she made her diary her best friend.

  He shouted to make himself heard across the room.

  Computer makes it easier to learn English.

  She was made to wait for hours.

  10. I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long time that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.

  eg. We went to see him in Wuhan last week.

  When did you graduate from high school?

  11. While sleeping, you’d better not keep your windows open.

  Don’t keep that boy waiting there.

  We must keep our teacher informed of what is going on in our class.

  12. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didn’t dare open a window.

  13. it happens that--   sb happens to do 碰巧

  sth happens to sb

  What has happened to you?

  It happened that I had no money on me.

  14.It’s the first time that I have seen such a famous actor.

  It was the first time that I had seen the light face to face.

  The first time I met her, I fell in love with her .

  It’s time that the children went to bed.

  It’s time to have supper.

  15. settle down定居,過安定的生活,平靜下來

  set down to doing sth. 開始專心做--

  settle in 在—定居   settle down in

  settle on/over停留、 落在, 選定 決定

  When are you going to marry and settle down?

  They have finally settled down in Canada.

  Dust had settled on everything.

  Settle dispute

  He settled to buy a new car.決定

  16.suffer      suffer from    Suffering(s) n.

  He suffered many defeats before success.(遭受痛苦)

  Many people are still suffering from starvation.  (因---而遭受痛苦)

  17. She has recovered from the operation (從---恢復(fù))

  The team recovered its lead in the second half.(重新獲得--)

  She soon recovered herself and went on with her lecture. 恢復(fù)正常, 使—清醒

  18. go through 經(jīng)歷  經(jīng)受/仔細(xì)檢查/(法案)通過

  The country has gone through too many wars.

  She is going through the company’s accounts.

  The law didn’t go through at the meeting.

  I can’t get it through to him that he has to study hard now.

  go by   go over   go in for參加考試/比賽,喜歡 go ahead  go without

  get sth through to sb.使 某人理解, 使某人接受(某人說的話)

  19. disagree with sb/sth

  I feel sick. The fish disagreed with me.

  These reports of the accident disagree with a number of points.

  20. Although I try to talk to my classmates, I still found it hard to make good friends with them.

  21. I do want to change this situation.








  Today—that day   tomorrow---the next day   yesterday---the day before

  Two days ago---two days before












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