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高二英語教案:《The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors》教學(xué)設(shè)計(3)

來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理 2018-11-21 12:04:37

  1. archaeology

  (a) the study of ancient sites and buildings

  (b) the study of geography

  2. unify[

  (a) to change

  (b) to join together

  3. crossbow

  (a) a weapon

  (b) an object that lights a fire4. pit(a) a large hole in the ground[來源:學(xué)#科#網(wǎng)]

  (b) a river5. facial(a) on (your) face

  (b) kind of

  6. inscribe

  (a) to paint[來源:]

  (b) too write or cut words on or in something7. figure(a) an object

  (b) a statue

  Step4 : Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

  construct     entrance        feature     glue        hairstyle     hollow     investigate     rob        solid     treasureAnswers:1. entrance         2. construct                3. glue                 4. features                   5. treasure          6. robbed                7. investigate      8. solid                     9. hollow             10. hairstyle

  Step5 Read Part 1 again and answer the questions.

  1. The writer is working on the ___ of Emperor Qin Shi Huang's tomb.                                                  A. area             B. site               C. province

  2. If archaeologists succeed in entering Win Shin Huang's Tomb, they ____.                                   A. will be robbed

  B. may be attacked

  C. will find treasure

  3. 6.000 clay warriors were found by ____.

  A. peasants

  B. archaeologists

  C. soldiers

  4. The site was __ a long time ago.

  A. visited          B. discovered            C. buried

  Step6 Read Part 2 again and answer the questions.

  1. The warriors look ____.

  A. strange        B. tall       C. quite real

  2. The soldiers' _____ show their position in the army.

  A. names      B. uniforms   C. weapons

  3. The legs of each figure are ___.A. hollowB. glued together

  C. heavier than any other part

  4. The name of __ is written on each figure.

  A. each soldier

  B. the man who made the soldier

  C. the Emperor






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