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您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 > 高考資源網(wǎng) > 高中教案 > 高二英語教案 > 高二英語教案:《Wildlife protection》教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)(2)







高二英語教案:《Wildlife protection》教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)(2)

來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理 2018-11-21 09:59:04

  Step 2: Lead-in (導(dǎo)入)

  Task 1: As a reward , let them enjoy a short video: The tale of a paper fox. Ask two questions:

  1) What’s your feeling now?   2) If we go on hunting fox, what will happen?

  Task 2: Class Work  show the pictures of some endangered species and let the students name them and talk about them in English, such as Tibetan antelope, golden monkey, Yangtze river dolphin and so on.

  Purpose: To make the students realize the importance of protecting endangered wildlife.

  Step 3: Listening Task (聽力)  Play the tape of the reading passage, and ask students to choose  the main idea of the whole passage and ask them a question: How did Daisy go around?

  Purpose: To strengthen Ss’ listening ability and the ability of catching some sensitive information.

  Step 4: I: Fast Reading (略讀)

  Task 1:  Read the passage quickly and silently. try to answer the following questions:

  What three animals did she meet?

  What three places did Daisy go?

  Task 2: According to her three visits, we can divide the text into three parts. Ask one student to match the main idea of each part.

  Purpose: To train Ss to go through the passage quickly to get some special information and neglect other information.

  Step 4:Detailed reading(細(xì)讀)

  Part 1: Read this part , fill in the blanks and answer one question.

  1). Tibetan antelopes are being killed for the_______ beneath their stomachs.

  2). As a result , antelopes are now an __________ species.

  After knowing this, how did Daisy feel?

  Part 2: Ask one student to read this part for us.

  Then ask another student to finish the true( T ) or false ( F ) questions, and try to correct the false.

  The elephant used to be well protected in Zimbabwe.

  In Zimbabwe, tourists love to see the elephants.

  The farmers in Zimbabwe get nothing from the elephants now.

  Suggested answers:  F T F

  Part 3: Ask girls to read paragraph 3 and boys paragraph 4 together. Then answer the following questions on the screen.

  1). Why the monkey rub itself?  2). Why is the thick rainforest important for animals?

  Purpose: To train Ss the ability of combining the skimming with scanning together.

  Step 5: Discussion:

  Task 1: Class work:  From the reading, let the students think about a question.

  Why are they in danger of disappearing?

  Answers: hunting, destruction of habitat, pollution, food shortage, disease and so on.

  Task 2: Group work: Ask the students to discuss one question in group.

  How can we help these animals?

  Suggested answers: Protect their habitats and set up new reserves.

  Collect money to protect the endangered animals.

  Stop using animals to make expensive goods.

  Set up the special government organizations to carry out the rules and laws.

  Make the public know about the importance of protecting wild animals.

  Purpose: To practice their spoken English and improve their cooperative abilities .

  Step 6: Conclusion:

  Task 1: Ask one student to fill in the blanks to summarize the whole passage in one sentence.

  Daisy took a flying carpet to travel and talked with some animals, which made her know the importance of the wildlife protection.

  Task 2:By enjoying a short video, make the student reach a conclusion:

  Rain forest, Animals and Human beings should live in harmony; No protection!  No animals!  No earth! No human beings!

  Purpose: To deepen their understanding of the passage and call on the students’ sense of responsibility in protecting wildlife.

  Step 7: Homework Assignment (作業(yè)).

  1. Review the text and the new expressions.

  2. Pick out the sentences with present progressive passive voice.

  Purpose: To help train their writing abilities and prepare for the next lesson.

  Teaching reflection:







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