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您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 > 高考資源網(wǎng) > 高中教案 > 高二英語教案 > 高二英語教案:《Unit 4 A garden of poems》教學(xué)設(shè)計(三)(2)







高二英語教案:《Unit 4 A garden of poems》教學(xué)設(shè)計(三)(2)

來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理 2018-11-21 09:30:09

  step 3 fast-reading

  t: so here we go! open your books and turn to p27, look at the reading part, english poetry. first, i want you to go through the text quickly and find the answers to the following 2 questions:

  q: 1. what are the differences between poetry and other forms of literature?

  2. whose poetry reminds chinese readers of du fu or li bai? whose of su dongpo?

  (give them 2 minutes to find the answers)

  t: well, let’s deal with the 2 questions.

  a: 1. ① poetry plays with sounds, words and grammar. ② poetry is difficult to write, but interesting to read.③ poetry calls up all the colors, feelings,experiences  and curious images of a dream world.

  2. ① william wordsworth, george gordon byron & john keats    ② john donne

  step 4 careful-reading

  task 1. the main idea of each paragraph

  t: good job! how many paragraphs in the text? (7) ok, now listen to the tape & read the text carefully. then i want you to summarize each paragraph’s main idea.

  para. 1  the characters of poetry.

  para. 2  a look on chinese poetry.

  para. 3  the first period of modern english poetry.

  para. 4  modern english poetry in the 19th century.

  para. 5  why modern poets have special attraction?

  para. 6  the introduction of english poetry to china.

  para. 7 ①the translation of english poetry.②the role that poems act as.

  task 2 a timeline

  t: excellent! here is a task for you. please focus on paragraph 3-5 and finish the timeline (show it on the screen), which will help you to get a more clear impression of some great poets in english history. now do it!

  step 4 post-reading

  task 1

  t: let’s turn to next step. look at p28, ex.1, make sure to get the right choices.

  (after 2 minutes, check the answers)

  keys:  1. a   2. c   3. b   4. d   5. c

  task 2

  t: in several paragraphs, there are some words in bold; can you tell what do they refer to?

  para. 1  that makes poetry difficult to write, but very interesting to read.

  ------poetry plays with sounds,words and grammar.

  para. 3  despite its short history,there is a lot of good poetry around.

  ------english poetry’s

  para. 4  the style and atmosphere in their poems has often…

  ------william wordsworth,byron,john keats

  para. 5  finally, modern poets have their special …in the language and images they use.

  ------modern poets

  para. 7  they can help us to understand each other better,…

  ------poems and literature






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