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高二英語教案:《Unit1 Making a difference 與眾不同》教學設(shè)計(一)

來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理 2018-11-21 08:29:44

高二英語教案:《Unit1 Making a difference 與眾不同》教學設(shè)計(一)

  Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands


  Talk about science and scientists

  2. Function: describing people and debating

  That’s correct. It’s clear that…

  I doubt that …

  There is no doubt that…

  It’s hard to say.

  Well, maybe, but…

  That’s true.

  What’s your idea?

  Have you thought about…?


  undertake analysis within gravity similar paragraph

  debate scan boundary incurable engage promise

  exploration disable theory seek that(adv.) misunderstand

  scientific method observe match predict astronomer

  curious microscope telescope punish intelligent patient

  be similar to work on go by be/get engaged to sb. use up

  go on with dream of turn out be satisfied with

  take a look at the other way round on fire

  make a difference be curious to do sth./ about sth. / that –clause

  4. Grammar

  The infinitive used as predictive/ adverbial / attribute / subject/ object

  Ⅱ.The analysis of the teaching material

  The topic of this unit is “ making a difference”. In this unit, first we can learn about the science subjects and know the importance of each subject. Second, we can get familiar with some great scientists and their famous quotes and achievements, such as Stephen Hawking, Galileo, Albert Einstein, ZhangHeng and so on. Third, we will know how the discoveries and inventions of the great scientists help us better understand the world and improve our life. By knowing this, students are encouraged to study hard, and their love of science and their hope of becoming scientists are inspired.

  1.Warming up: It offers us five pictures of foreign great scientists with their famous quotes. By learning their quotes and talking about their achievements, students can know about the key to success and make their minds to be successful.

  2. Listening: It contains 4 great minds including the students. In fact, it provides three passages and the students are asked to have a guess who they are, which is so interesting that it may further arouse the students’ enthusiasm in science.

  3. Speaking: The students are asked to have a debate about which branch of science is the most important and useful to society. By doing so, students can practice debating skills and use some useful expressions freely. At the same time, they will find that knowledge plays an important part in our daily life.






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