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首頁 > 高考作文 > 高考作文新聞 > 2018年高中生感恩節(jié)英語作文:感恩節(jié)


2018-11-19 10:59:33網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理

  Hi,everybody.In 1620,a small band of pilgrims cameto this continent,refugees who had fled persecutionand violence in their native land.Nearly 400 yearslater,we remember their part in the American story-and we honor the men and women who helped themin their time of need.


  Thanksgiving is a day for food and football,and forhoping the turkey didn't turn out too dry.But it's also a day to count our blessings and giveback to others-a reminder that no matter our circumstances,all of us have something to be grateful for.Maybe it's good health,a new addition to the family,or a child taking a next steptoward college or a career.Maybe it's a new job,or long over due raise.Maybe it's something assimple,and as important,as the chance to spend time with the people who matter most.

  感恩節(jié)是分享美食、觀賞球賽的日子,大家都希望火雞不要烤的太干。這也是我們將祝福和幫助送給他人的日子,無論我們生活在什么環(huán)境中,我們都有一些需要感恩的東西。也許是有個(gè)好身體、家里有了新居、或者是孩子們?cè)趯W(xué)業(yè)或職業(yè)上取得了新進(jìn)展。也許是有了新工作、期待已久的升職。也許是很簡單、很重要,與最關(guān)心的人一起共度時(shí)光的機(jī)會(huì)。 Of course,every American can be thankful for the chance to live in a country founded on thebelief that all of us are created equal.And as President,I'm thankful that I get to see the best ofAmerica every day-the courage of our troops and veterans,the resilience of our families,andthe basic goodness of the ordinary people who call this country.


  On this uniquely American holiday,we also remember that so much of our greatness comes fromour generosity .There's the generosity of Americans who volunteer at food banks andshelters,making sure that no one goes hungry on a day when so many plates are full.There'sthe generosity of Americans who take part not just in Black Friday and Cyber Monday,butGiving Tuesday-recognizing that in the holiday season,what you give is as important as whatyou get.



  And I've been touched by the generosity of the Americans who've written me letters andemails in recent weeks,offering to open their homes to refugees fleeing the brutality of ISIL.

  最近幾個(gè)星期,很多人給我寫信、發(fā)郵件,大家敞開家門接納逃離ISIL 魔掌的難民們,我也一直被美國人民的慷慨大方所感動(dòng)。

  Now,people should remember that no refugee can enter our borders until they undergo thehighest security checks of anyone traveling to the United States.That was the case beforeParis,and it's the case now.And what happened in Paris hasn't stopped Americans from openingtheir arms anyway.


  One woman from Pennsylvania wrote me to say,"Money is tight for us in my household ...But I

  have a guest room.I have a pantry full of food.We can do this." Another woman from Floridatold me her family's history dates back to the Mayflower-and she said that welcoming others ispart of "what it means to be an American." 一位來自賓夕法尼亞州的女士寫信給我,她說:“我持家過日子,錢很緊張…但我騰出了一間客房。我家的食品還算充足。我們可以做到。”另一位來自佛羅里達(dá)州的女士告訴我說她家祖上是隨五月花號(hào)過來的,她說歡迎其他人正是“美國傳統(tǒng)”的一部分。

  Nearly four centuries after the Mayflower set sail,the world is still full of pilgrims-men and womenwho want nothing more than the chance for a safer,better future for themselves and theirfamilies.What makes America America is that we offer that chance.We turn Lady Liberty's lightto the world,and widen our c ircle of concern to say that all God's children are worthy of ourcompassion and care.That's part of what makes this the greatest country on Earth.


  I hope that you and your family have wonderful Thanksgiving,surrounded by loved ones,and fullof joy and gratitude .And together,may we all play our own

  small part in the American story,andwrite a next chapter that future generations can be thankful for.


  From the Obama family to yours,have a great Thanksgiving.


[標(biāo)簽:高中英語 英語作文]






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