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來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源 2018-10-21 22:58:24


  考點(diǎn)一 考查形容詞,副詞的比較級(jí),最高級(jí)及前面的修飾語

  1 原級(jí),比較級(jí),最高級(jí)的選用及應(yīng)用范圍

  1)John plays football as            as, if not better than, David. (good)

  2)The piano in the other shop will be cheaper, but not as            (good).

  3)It's generally believed that teaching is as much an art as it is a science.

  4)She is                         . (和我同樣高的一個(gè)女孩)

  5) It's believed that         you work,          result you'll get.(越努力結(jié)果越好)

  6)Which is               country, Canada or Australia?(較大的那個(gè))

  7)If the manager had to choose between the two, he'd say John was           choice.

  2 形容詞,副詞的原級(jí),比較級(jí)和最高級(jí)前的程度狀語

  1)I quite like it.   They are quite different / wrong.    quite possible

  2)My hometown is much changed. much to one's surprise (很讓某人驚訝的是)

  3. 熟記固定搭配

  be        known 很著名           be         worth doing  很值得做

  be sound / fast asleep 熟睡          wide awake / open  完全醒著/ 完全睜開

  dead drunken 爛醉                much alike / alone 十分相象 / 孤獨(dú)

  4. so / that much 那樣多   how much/many (多少,多么多)

  1)Don't worry. We have           much time left.

  2)He is           anxious that he can't do anything. (so, such)

  3)I can't go            far.  (那么遠(yuǎn))

  5. so/such… as, so/such… that

  1) He is such a kind-hearted man          everyone likes.

  2) He is such a kind-hearted man           everyone likes him.

  考點(diǎn)二 形容詞和副詞的比較等級(jí)用法:

  1 as + 原級(jí) + as (表示雙方相等)

  not  as/ so + 原級(jí) +as (表示雙方不相等,等于less + 原級(jí)+than)

  eg:Xiao Wang is as tall as Xiao Lin.

  1)    Mr. Sun speaks English                you.(與你一樣流利)

  2)    This room is three times               that one.(是那間的三倍大)


  3) I have as many books as Tom.

  4) I can't drink                    this.(我不能喝這么甜的咖啡)

  5) You are as good a student as she.

  6) He is                      as Tom.(他是像湯姆一樣誠實(shí)的一個(gè)男孩)


  ★ 比較級(jí)的修飾語常見的有: rather, much, a great deal, still, even, far, any,

  a lot, a little, a lot, a bit, three times…

  1). Bill earns _______ more than his father.

  A. rather    B. many      C. quite       D. fairly

  2). If there were no examinations, we should have ______ at school.

  A. the happiest time         B. a more happier time

  C. much happiest time       D. a much happier time

  ★the+比較級(jí)…, the+比較級(jí)… "越 …… 就越……"

  ★ 比較級(jí) + and + 比較級(jí)     "越來越……"

  ★ the + 比較級(jí) + of the two +名詞 "表兩個(gè)中較……那一個(gè)"

  the two boys is my brother.(較高的那個(gè))

  ★ 用介詞by表增減相差的程度

  She is three inches taller than me.= She is taller than me              .

  1)---- How did you find your visit to the museum?

  ---- I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was ________ than I expected.

  A. far more interesting            B. even much interesting

  C. so more interesting             D. a lot much interesting

  2)I wonder why ______ the worse I seem to feel.

  A. when I take more fruit          B. when I take more medicine

  C. the more medicine I take        D. more medicine taken

  3) She is _____ than her sister.

  A. two inches tall               B. two inches taller

  C. tall two inches               D. taller two inches

  4)                      , the better the environment will be.(樹栽得越多,環(huán)境越好.)

  5) Our country is getting                           . (越來越強(qiáng)大)

  6) I was late                         .  (我遲到了三分鐘)

  3 最高級(jí)

  ★表示"最高程度"的形容詞(如:excellent,extreme,perfect,favorite etc.)沒有最高級(jí),也不能用比較級(jí)。

  ★有的形容詞和副詞根本沒有比較級(jí)和最高級(jí),這主要是由其意義決定的。如:wrong, right, true, false, empty, full, wooden, here, where, now等。

  ★ 否定詞 + 比較級(jí) = 最高級(jí)

  1) ---- What do you think of the film? ---- I have never seen a ______ one.

  A best       B  worst     C good       D worse

  2)Shanghai is larger than any other city in China.

  → Shanghai is                        in China.

  3)True friendship is the most valuable of all things.

  → Nothing is                                        true friendship.

  4)This is the best advice I can give you.

  → I can't give you               advice.

  考點(diǎn)三 定語后置

  1 ---- Is there anything new in the newspaper?

  ----  No,                     . (沒什么新內(nèi)容)

  2 I have                            to tell you.(一些重要的事情)

  3 We have no                        for you.(可用的房間)

  4 People in the village,              , are fond of singing and dancing.(老的,少的)

  5. All the people             ( 在場的 )enjoyed the speech.

  6. What              (其他的) would you like to have?

  考點(diǎn)四 有些形容詞做表語,通常不用人做主語:Eg possible, necessary, convenient,etc…

  (F) If you are convenient, please write to me.

  (T)                        , please write to me.

  (F) He's possible to come today.

  (T)                                   .

  考點(diǎn)五  關(guān)于倍數(shù)表示法的句型,中學(xué)階段常用的有:

  ★ 倍數(shù) + as + 原級(jí) + as …  e.g  Asia is four times as large as Europe.

  ★ 倍數(shù) + 比較級(jí) + than….   e.g  Your school is twice bigger than ours.

  ★ 倍數(shù) + the size/ height/ length/ width/ etc. + of…





  2) Staying in a hotel costs ______ renting a room in a dormitory for a week.

  A. two times than                 B. twice as much as

  C. as much twice as               D. as much twice as

  3) At a rough estimate, Nigeria is ____________ Britain.

  A. three times larger of            B. larger three times than

  C. three times the size of           D. three times as larger as

  考點(diǎn)六 在具體語境中辨析形容詞與副詞的語義


  1 The committee is discussing the problem right now. It will ______ have been solved

  by the end of next week.

  A eagerly        B. hopefully      C immediately     D gradually

  2 I thought she was famous, but none of my friends have ______ heard of her.

  A even          B ever           C just            D never






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