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來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源 2018-10-21 22:15:29





  a-b-out "A在B外面,A和B的聯(lián)系"



 。1)在…到處,在…各處  in many directions in a place, here and there

  eg: We wandered about the town for an hour or so.

  He looked about the room.

 。2)在…附近 next to a place

  eg. She lives about the office.

 。3)關(guān)于 in connection with

  eg: a book about English study

  I don't know what you are talking about.


 。1)大約 close to

  eg: We left there about 10 o'clock.

  It costs about 500 dollars.


  eg: The children were rushing about in the garden.


  eg : There is no food about.


  (1)將要做 be going to do

  eg. He was about to leave when the telephone rang.



 。1)arrange( about sth )                        安排...

  (2)argue (about sth )                         辯論…

 。3)ask (about sth)                            詢問…

 。4)bring (about sth)                         帶來…

 。5)boast (about sb/sth)                      夸獎…

 。6)care (about sb/sth)                        關(guān)心…,對…感興趣

 。7)chat (about sth)                        閑聊…

 。8)complain (about sb/sth)                  抱怨…

 。9)dream (about sb/sth)                      夢想…

 。10)fret (about sth)                       為…焦急、煩躁

 。11)go (about sth)                            著手做...

 。12)grumble (about sb/sth)                 抱怨...

  (13)hear (about sth)                         聽說...

 。14)inquire (about sth)                    打聽...

 。15)joke (about sb/sth)                     拿... 開玩笑

 。16)know (about sth)                        了解...

 。17)learn (about sth)                        得知,獲悉...

 。18)make a fuss (about sth)                    對...大驚小怪,小題大做

  (19)put (about sth)                          散布(謠言等)

 。20)quarrel (about sth)                      爭吵...

 。21)read (about sth)                         讀到...

  (22)revolve (about sb/sth)                    圍繞..., 以...為中心

 。23)see (about sth)                          負(fù)責(zé)處理...

  (24)speak (about sth)                       談?wù)?..

 。25)talk (about sth)                         談?wù)?..

  (26)think (about sth)                        考慮...

 。27)trouble (about sth)                      擔(dān)心...

 。28)wail( about sb/sth)                      為...痛哭/悲嘆

 。29)warn (about sth)                        告誡某事

  (30)wonder (about sb/sth)                    對.. 好奇

 。31)worry (about sb/sth)                     對...擔(dān)心


  (1)sth (come about)                          某事發(fā)生

 。2)sb (fool about)                            某人虛度光陰

  (3)sth (get about)                         某事(尤指消息等)傳開

 。4)sb (hang about)                        某人逗留,徘徊

 。5)sb (knock about)                         某人到處游蕩

 。6)sb (litter about)                         某人四處亂扔

 。7)sb (turn about)                           某人轉(zhuǎn)身

 。8)sb (wander about)                        某人徘徊,游蕩


 。1)concern (about sb/sth)                     對…的關(guān)心/關(guān)懷

 。2)controversy (about sth)                    對…的爭論

  (3)curiosity (about sb/sth)                    對…的好奇

 。4)doubt (about sb/sth)                        對…的懷疑

 。5)ethusiasm (about sth )                        對…的熱愛

 。6)information (about sb/sth)                 關(guān)于…的信息

 。7)obsession (about sb/sth )                   對…的迷戀

  (8)remark (about sth)                         對…的評論

 。9)opinion (about sth)                         對…的意見

 。10)view (about sb/sth)                       對...的觀點


  (1)be angry (about sth)                         為…生氣

 。2)be apologetic( about sth)                   對...感到抱歉

 。3)be anxious (about sth)                        為…憂慮

  (4)be careful (about sth)                        當(dāng)心…

 。5)be cautious (about sth)                      謹(jǐn)防...

  (6)be certain (about sth)                        確信…

 。7)be curious (about sth)                        對…好奇

  (8)be decided (about sth)                      對...決心堅定

 。9)be disappointed (about sth)                對…感到失望

 。10)be excited (about sth)                        對…感到興奮

  (11)be fussy (about sth)                        對...大題小做

 。12)be glad (about sth)                        對…感到高興

 。13)be happy (about sth)                        為…感到高興

 。14)be hopeful (about sth)                    對…抱有希望

 。15)be mad (about sth)                        對…入迷

 。16)be nervous (about sth)                    為…感到不安

 。17)be optimistic/positive (about sth)            對...是積極的

 。18)be particular (about sb/sth)                 對... 講究,挑剔

 。19)be sad (about sth)                        為…而難過

 。20)be sceptical/suspicious (about sb/sth)      對...懷疑

 。21)be serious (about sth)                        對…認(rèn)真

 。22)be sorry (about sth)                      對...抱歉

 。23)be sure (about sth)                        對…有把握

 。24)be worried (about sth)                    為…擔(dān)憂

 。25)be wild (about sth)                      對...癡迷

  四. about 常用句型

  (1)How/What about sth/doing sth?   提建議的常用句型,表示詢問某事或做某事怎樣

 。2)sb be about to do sth when +從句  某人剛要做某事,突然另一件事發(fā)生



  a-b-over "A在B上方"


 。1)在…上方 at or to a higher place than sth/sb

  eg: The sun rose above the horizon.


  more than sth.; greater in number, level or age than sb./sth.

  eg: There is nothing in the store above 50 cents.

  (3)    重要性、質(zhì)量超過、勝過 of greater importance or of higher quality than sb/sth

  eg. I rate her above most other players of her age.

  (4)不至于,不屑于做某事  too good or too honest to do sth

  eg. She is above suspicion.

 。5)聲音超過…  louder or clearer than another sound

  eg: I couldn't hear her above the noise of the traffic.



  (1)get (above oneself)                      自視高傲

 。2)keep one's head above water            未欠債,未陷入困境

 。3)live (above one's income)              入不敷出

  (4)put A above B                        把A看得比B更重要

 。5)rise above sth                         克服...,不受....的影響

  (6)talk (above one's head)                 談?wù)摰氖虑閯e人不理解

 。7)tower above sb                        高于,優(yōu)于某人


 。1)be (above oneself )                     興高采烈= be in one's high spirit

 。2)be above one's head                  難以理解

 。3)be above reproach                     盡善盡美,無可指責(zé)

 。4)be above suspicion                    不受懷疑



  a-grass "一片草坪",across指在平面上經(jīng)過,就像人走過一片草坪那樣。


  (1)穿過from one side to the other side

  eg: She walked across the road.

 。2)在...對面 on the other side of sth.

  eg: The bar is just across the street.

  (3)交叉 cross

  eg: He sat with his arms across his chest.

 。4)在...各處,遍及... everywhere

  eg. The opinion is common across the university.



 。1)A come (across B).                  A偶遇B

  (2)A get sth (across to B).              A使某物被B了解

 。3)A cut (across B).                     A走B捷徑,A打斷B

 。4)A go (across B).                    A穿過B

 。5)A put (across B).                     A 解釋清楚B

 。6)A run (across B).                   A橫穿;偶然碰到B


 。1)(across back)                         后背寬

 。2)(across back shoulder)                 總肩;總肩寬






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