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首頁 > 高中頻道 > 高二英語復習方法 > 高二英語語法虛擬語氣專題練習


2011-09-02 18:56:00百度文庫


  1. If I ____ where he lived, I ____ a note to him.

  A. knew, would        B. had known, would have sent

  C. know, would send   D. knew, would have sent

  2. If they ____ earlier than expected, they ____ here now.

  A. had started, would be  B. started, might be

  C. had started, would have been  D. will start, might have been

  3. I didn't know his telephone number. ____ it, I ____ then.

  A. Had I known, would ring him up B. Should I know, would have rung him up

  C. If I knew; would ring him up D. Had I known; would have rung him up

  4. Mary is ill today. If she _____, she ____ absent from school.

  A. were not ill, wouldn't be    B. had been ill, wouldn't have been

  C. had been ill, should have been D. hadn't been ill, could be

  5. Were I to do it, I ________ it some other way.

  A. will do B. would do C. would have done D. were to do

  6. I ________ him the answer ________ possible, but I was so busy then.

  A. could tell, if it had been B. must have told, were it

  C. should have told, had it been D. should have told, should it be

  7. Without your help, we________ so much.

  A. won't achieve B. didn't achieve C. don't achieve D. wouldn't have achieved

  8. You didn't take his advice. ________ his advice, you ________ such a mistake.

  A. Had you taken, wouldn't have made B. If you had taken, would make

  C. Were you lo take, shouldn't have made D. Have you taken, won't have made

  9. We wish we ____ what you did when we were at high school.

  A. did B. could have done C. have done D. should do

  10. She wishes she ____ to the theatre last night.

  A. went B. would go C. had gone D. were going

  11. Tom is very short now. His mother wishes that he ________ be tall when he grows up.

  A. could B. should C. would D. were able to

  12. My sister advised me that I ________ accept the invitation.

[標簽:高二 英語]






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