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來源:天利 2009-12-28 13:50:06

[標簽:高考 英語]

  Recreational Activities 文體活動

  841. What's your favorite sport? 你最喜歡什么活動? 842. I like football. 我最喜歡足球。

  843. What position do you play? 你踢什么位置? 844. I'm a catcher. 我是個接球員(壘球運動中)。

  845. Our team beat their team yesterday. 昨天,我們隊打敗了他們隊。

  846. We are sure to defeat them. 我們一定會打敗他們。

  847. How many years have you been playing pingpong? 你打乒乓球多少年了?

  848. My favorite winter sport is skiing. 我最喜歡的動機運動是滑雪。

  849. The basketball championship is exciting. 那次籃球冠軍賽真激動人心。

  850. I was on the track team 10 years ago. 十年前,我在田徑隊。

  851. I prefer fishing to swimming. 比起游泳,我更喜歡釣魚。

  852. She is a member of the ski club. 她是滑雪俱樂部的成員。

  853. The hardest thing to learn is to be a good loser. 最難學的一點是做一個輸?shù)钠鸬娜恕?/p>

  854. My class went camping last summer. 去年夏天我們班去露營了。

  855. He's good at lifting weights. 他善于舉重。

  About Newspapers And Magazines 關于報紙雜志

  856. I subscribed to a lot of periodicals last year. 去年我訂了許多期刊。

  857. Tom reads newspapers in the afternoon. 湯姆下午讀報。

  858. What kind of newspapers do you read? 你讀什么樣的報紙?

  859. Newspapers and periodicals keep me updated on current affairs. 報紙和期刊讓我了解時事。

  860. What column do you like best? 你最喜歡哪個欄目?

  861. Which do you like better, the news or the editorial? 新聞和評論你最喜歡看哪個?

  862. Do you read advertisements too? 你也看廣告嗎?

  863. I recommend to you Time and Newsweek. They are excellent. 我向你推薦《時代》和《新聞周刊》,它們很棒。

  864. Fashion is a very popular magazine in America. 《時尚》是美國很流行的雜志。

  865. What's the circulation of this magazine? 這雜志發(fā)行量怎么樣?

  866. Why don't you put an advertisement in the paper to sell that old car? 為什么不在報上登廣告賣舊車呢?

  867. I once took a part-time job delivering the Evening Post. 我曾干過送晚報的兼職。

  868. Have you read the article about the rescue of the hostage? 你看了關于營救人質的文章了嗎?

  869. There was much news in the morning paper today. 今天的晨報上有許多新聞。

  870. My friend Tom is a reporter for the New York Times. 我朋友湯姆是《紐約時報》的記者。






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