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您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 > 高考資源網 > 高中試卷 > 高一英語期中試題 > 2009年浙江東陽中學高一(上)期中考試英語試卷


來源:高考網整理 2009-11-25 14:11:49

  第二部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié))

  第一節(jié) : 單項選擇(共20小題,每小題0.5分;滿分10分)

  請認真閱讀下面各題,從題中所給的A. B. C.D四個選項中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。

  21. The lady insisted that the young man ___her wallet and insisted on ___ to the police station at once.

  A. has stolen, be sent           B. should steal, sending him

  C. had stolen, his being sent      D. should steal, sending

  22. 22.Jumping out of _______ plane at ten thousand feet is quite _____ exciting experience.

  A. /; the     B. /; an    C. a; an    D. the; the

  23. 23.After living in Paris for fifty years, he returned to the small town _____he grew up as a child.

  A. which     B. where      C. that    D. when

  24. 24.Hurry up! The concert ____at 8. They will have played half an hour by the time we ____there.

  A. is beginning, will get   B. begins, get       C. will begin, will get   D. is to begin, have got

  25. 25.---Do you know the town at all?  ---No, this is the first time I _________ here.

  A. was     B. have been   C. came          D. am coming

  26. 26.We will never forget the days _______ we spent together in the countryside.

  A. when      B. that    C. in which      D. on which

  27. 27.Mr. White _________ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn't show up.

  A. should have arrived B. should arrive  C. shouldn't have had arrived  D. shouldn't be arriving

  28. 28.______ the number of cars, he thought, there were not many people at the club yet.

  A. He judged by        B. He judged from   C. Judging from      D. Judged by

  29. 29.She's having a lot of trouble with the new computer, but she doesn't know whom to _____.

  A. turn to             B. look for          C. deal with         D. talk about

  30. 30.----- Have you _____ some new ideas?  -----Yeah. I'll tell you later.

  A. come about          B. come into       C. come up with      D. come up

  31. 31.Our English teacher often helps the students _______ she thinks are not so good at English.

  A. who     B. whom   C. whose    D. they

  32. 32.We have planted flowers and green trees around the blocks of buildings, which _____ beauty to the whole city.

  A. add to              B. add up to       C. add up            D. add

  33. 33.The audience _____ laughing when the speaker made a face.

  A. burst into            B. burst out       C. burst with         D. burst upon

  34. 34.______ it is to go for a picnic on such a fine day!

  A. What a fun    B. What fun    C. How fun       D. How a fun

  35. 35.When people talk about the cities in the US, the first _______ comes into their minds is New York.

  A. of which      B. of whom    C. one        D. that

  36. 36.Although he goes to school every day, his attitude _____his study suggests he is tired _____it.

  A. towards, from        B. of , of          C. with, in           D. to, of

  37. ----- Who called just now, Sam?    ----- It's Terry. She asked _____.

  A. that Alice was in      B. if was Alice in    C. if Alice was in     D. whether was Alice in

  38. You are lucky enough to escape _______ after making such a mistake.

  A. punishing    B. being punished    C. punished   D. to be punished

  39. The _____ look on his face showed that he had enough confidence in himself.

  A. surprising            B. puzzled         C. exciting         D. determined

  40. ---I'm going to Shanghai this afternoon.  ---________. Then how soon will you come back?

  A. Have a nice trip   B. Congratulations   C. Cheers    D. Good luck






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