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漢語常用583句的英語表達(dá) (5)

來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)來源 2009-08-29 15:17:35


  6  字篇

  350.我有什么好處?  What’s in it for me?

  351.你一點(diǎn)都沒變!  You haven’t changed a bit!


  352.我改變主意了。  I changed my mind.

  352.  還是有希望的。  There’s still hope.

  E.g.  A: Don’t worry. There’s still hope for you.

  353.  他的話不可信。  Don’t believe a word he says.


  354.你在哪里買的?  Where’d you get it?

  355.真是失望透頂。  What a disappointment.

  注:根據(jù)語氣和場合的不同,這句話可以是嚴(yán)肅的,表示真的感到失望;但也有幸災(zāi)樂禍的情況,表示對聽者的失誤暗自竊喜。另外,也可用“What a bummer!”來表達(dá)失望,但這句話就沒有幸災(zāi)樂禍的味道了。

  356.這下你可糟了!  You really did it this time!


  357.我看他不順眼。  He rubs me the wrong way.

  358.我會找你算帳!  You’ll pay for this.

  359. 簡直無法相信!  I can’t believe it! (若在前加上“Oh,my God.”,語氣會加重)

  360.眼睛放亮一點(diǎn)!  Open your eyes!

  E.g. A: Open your eyes! Can’t you see that he’s cheating on you?

  注:“cheat on someone”在美國特別指瞞著配偶、情人,在外拈花惹草、紅杏出墻。

  361.我懂你的意思。  I know what you mean.

  362.只好等著看嘍!  Just wait and see.

  Let’s play it by ear.

  363.真的還假的?  Is that for real? / Really?

  364.照著做就對了。  Just do what it says.

  365.請你放尊重點(diǎn)!  Treat it with respect. Have respect for someone.

  366.我們來表決吧!  Let’s take a vote.  Let’s put to the vote.

  367.這下沒指望了!  It’s hopeless!

  368.我們剛才說到哪?  Where were we?

  369.我已經(jīng)麻木了。  I’m numb.

  注:numb,本意指身體的某部分變得僵硬、麻木,如“The icy wind made my fingers numb.”(冷風(fēng)凍僵了我的手指頭),此處指的是心理上的麻木沒感覺。

  370.不要以大欺!  Pick on someone your own size!


  371.這該怎么說呢?  How should I say this?


  372.別小題大做了。  Don’t blow it out of proportion.


  373.那要看情形了。  That depends.

  374.我就跟你說吧!  See? I told you!

  E.g.  A: It’s cold outside. I should have worn my jacket.

  B: See? I told you. It’s a cold day.

  注:這句可以只講“I told you so.”或“I told you that…”。這句話小孩子很常講,并且是用得意洋洋的語氣來說的。

  375.別這么見外嘛!  Don’t be a stranger!


  376.井水不犯河水。  You mind your business, and I’ll mind mine.


  376.不去你會后悔。  You’ll regret it if you don’t go.

  377.你好大的膽子。  You’ve got some nerve!


  378.這沒有什么啦。  There’s nothing to it.

  379.有什么了不起?  Big deal!

  380.動一下腦筋吧!  Use your head!

  381. 別說是我做的。  Don’t tell anyone that I did it.

  注:小孩子常把這句話說成“Don’t tell on me!”或”Don’t rat on me!”,意思一樣,只是后者比較俚俗一點(diǎn)。

  382.沒必要對你說。  No need to tell you. / Why tell you?

  383. 不要學(xué)我說話!  Don’t repeat everything I say!

  384. 你真是沒救了!  You’re hopeless!

  You’re a failure!

  You’re pathetic!

  You’re incompetent!

  385.你那時什么臉? What kind of look is that?

  e.g.  A: What kind of look is that? Have some respect!

  386.不高興就說。  If you’re not happy, say it!

  387. 你算什么東西?  Who do you think you are?

  388.問你也是白問。  No use asking you.

  注:本句也常說成:“What’s the point in asking you… you’re an idiot.”通常只出現(xiàn)在很熟的朋友之間,若跟不熟的人講,幾乎就是在侮辱對方了。

  389.你別笑死人了!  Don’t make me laugh!


  390.是這樣子的嗎? Is that so?

  注:這句話一般是用來表示說者對所談?wù)摰氖滦拇鎽岩,但也可用威脅的語氣表示“你最好不要這樣做!”的意思,或以無辜的口吻表達(dá)“我對這件事不是那么清楚 ”。

  391.你到底想怎樣?  What do you want?

  392.我才懶得理你。  You’re not worth my time. (這是非常鄙視人得說法)

  393.為什么不早說?  Why didn’t you say so?


  394.事情就是這樣。  That’s the way it is.

  395. 別瞧不起人了。  Don’t look down on others!

  396. 我不是故意的。  I didn’t do it on purpose.

  397. 那我就放心了。  That eases my mind.

  398. 你就放心好了。  You can ease up.

  399. 這就是我要的。  That’s just what I’m looking for.

  400. 有總比沒有好。  Better than nothing.

  401. 你等著看好了。  Just wait and see.

  402. 要是我就不會。  I wouldn’t, if I were you.

  403. 你說這什么話?  What kind of talk is that? (表示對方講了一些泄氣、刻薄或令人生氣的話。

  404. 別嘮嘮叨叨了!  Stop blabbering!

  405. 我可不這么想。  I don’t think so.

  406. 話別說得太滿。  Don’t be so sure. (意思是說事情往往不會完全照所想像得那樣進(jìn)行。)

  407. 這沒什么稀奇。 It’s nothing special.

  408. 這個字怎么念? How do you pronounce it?

  How do you say this?

  409. 我的心在滴血。  My heart hurts.  (用來形容內(nèi)心非常難過)

  410. 話別說得太早。  Don’t jinx it.

  注:jinx 可譯為烏鴉嘴、觸霉頭,就如閩南語“破格”的意思。當(dāng)某人在說一則即將發(fā)生的好消息,旁人惟恐因?yàn)橄⒐嫉锰,事情反倒不按預(yù)期發(fā)生時,可說這句話。

  411. 我不是本地人。  I’m not from around here.

  注:這是很常用的一句話,遇到一個看起來顯然不是本地的人,可以問他“You’re  not from around here, aren’t you?”(你不是本地人吧?)

  412. 請問您還用嗎?  Are you finished? Are you done with that?

  413. 沒什么好謝的。  No problem.

  注:當(dāng)別人向自己道謝時,常用這句話表示“不客氣“的意思;蚴钱(dāng)別人向你請求幫助說,回答no problem就表示答應(yīng)對方。

  414. 我看沒這必要。  There’s no need. / There’s no necessary.

  415. 這是你說的喔!  You said it. I didn’t. (本句表示說話人在撇清責(zé)任,不愿因說出實(shí)情而惹上麻煩。

  416. 我只有一雙手。 I can’t do two things at the same time.

  417. 怎么不說話了? Cat got your tongue?  (本句形容因害羞或緊張而說不出話來。

  418. 你有完沒完。  Are you through?  (表示對方感到不耐煩)

  419. 聽起來很麻煩。  Sounds like a pain in the ass.


  取代ass,或是說Sounds like a lot of trouble 或 Sounds troublesome.

  420. 我不會怪你的。 I won’t blame you. (表示說者對所談之事真的不在意。)

  421. 怎么可以這樣?  How could you do this?

  422. 我手機(jī)沒電了。  My cell phone’s out of batteries.

  My cell phone ran out of batteries.

  423. 他還是老樣子。He’s the same as always. (如要強(qiáng)調(diào)面貌、外表還是一樣,可以說He looks the same as always.”)

  424. 現(xiàn)在又怎么了。  What’s wrong now?  (表示說話人已經(jīng)不耐煩了;在一般口語上,也可說“What now?”。

  425. 就差那么一點(diǎn)。  I was this close!

  426. 我還不是很餓。  I’m not that hungry.

  427. 怎么還不下課?  When’s class gonna end?

  428. 饒了我吧!拜托!  Give me a chance, please!

  429. 你打算怎么辦?  What are you gonna do?

  430. 這次不算!重來!  This time didn’t count. Do it over!                It didn’t count this time, do it over again.

  431. 你不會后悔的。  You won’t regret it.

  432. 你不是很好嗎?  Isn’t that great?

  433. 我招誰惹誰啦?  Who did I piss off? (一般常用俚語,用字較為粗俗,故多出現(xiàn)在和熟人談話之間。)

  434. 聽我的準(zhǔn)沒錯。  Just listen to me, and you’ll be fine.

  435. 先幫我墊一下(錢)!  Can you spot me?

  436. 英雄所見略同。 Great minds think alike.

  437. 你這是何苦呢?  Why torture yourself?

  438. 真是個好主意!  Good idea!

  439. 這樣不太好吧!  That’s not a good idea!

  440. 人生只有一次。  You only live once. (本句常是要說服人家把握機(jī)會)

  441. 你這哪算什么?  That’s nothing.

  442. (最近)有什么好事嗎? What’s up? / What’s new?

  443. 給我逮到了吧!  I got you!  / I caught you!

  444. 真拿你沒辦法。  I don’t know what to do with you.

  445. 不然你想怎樣?  Well, what do you want?

  446. 又不是我的錯!  It’s not my fault!








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