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首頁 > 高考總復習 > 高考英語復習方法 > 09高考英語專項復習:單項選擇題及詳解<9>


2009-05-26 09:53:00網(wǎng)絡資源

  1.Not until Dec. 2003 _____ caught by the US soldiers, and it was a great victory for the USA.

  A. was Saddam Hussein

  B. Saddam Hussein was

  C. had Saddam Hussein been

  D. Saddam Hussein had been

  選A。 not until位于句首時,句子要部分倒裝。而時間狀語Dec. 2003暗示了要用一般過去時,故此只能選A。

  2. Be careful with such things. If you _____, you’ll drop them.

  A. don’t     B. aren’t     C. won’t    D. do

  選B。本題考查學生運用省略語法的做題能力。 完整的句子為:If you aren’t (careful),you’ll drop them. 另外,條件狀語從句用現(xiàn)在時表將來,所以排除了won’t。

  3. — Excuse me!

  — _____

  — How can I get to the nearest post office?

  A. Yes?                   B. That’s OK.

  C. What’s wrong?         D. Pardon?

  選A。由于Excuse me沒有說明具體事情,所以就被反問“Yes?”“什么事?”

  4. ___________ a fine day, Shenzhou VI will be launched on time according to its planned time.

  A. Being   B. It being  C. To be  D. It is

  選B。 本題考查獨立主格結構。前一分句和后一分句在邏輯上存在因果關系,可以排除答案D。因為前面的分詞的邏輯主語不可能是后面一個分句的邏輯主語,故前一分句要有一個邏輯主語it表示天氣。

  5. ---What’s the chief ______ of the world this year?

  ---I think the Twin- Tower was destroyed.

  A. business  B. matter  C. event  D. affair

  選C。 event 表示比較重要的事件;business表示一般性的事物,如經(jīng)營方面的事情或生意等,也可以構成一定的短語,如on business, get down to business 等。matter指一般的需要解決的事情;affair指重大的國際、國內事物,經(jīng)常用復數(shù)。

  6. It is ____ waste of time for young men to devote themselves to playing computer games on ___ Internet only for _____ pleasure.

  A. /; the; /     B. the; the; /     C. a; the; a       D. a; the; /

  選D。前面a waste of time/money…”為固定短語;中間為on the Internet,表示特指; 后面為for pleasure=for fun,為固定短語。

  7. He said, “_____ a long way to school. ______ a long way to go yet before we arrive.”

  A. It is; There is   B. There is ; it is    C. It is; It is      D. There is; There is

  選A。第一空it 指距離, 第二空there be 表示在 “存在”。

  8. It will be five years ____ we meet again.

  A. since         B. after          C. before      D. when

  選C。 該題意為 “ 要過五年我們才能再見面”。如果選A, since 從句中常用動詞的過去式,這是個終止動詞表延續(xù)的句型。本句句型是 “ It will be +時間段+before” 從句。 意為 “ 要過多久才….” 。

  9. — Did you scold him for his mistake?

  — Yes, but _____ it.

  A. I’d rather not do

  B. I’d better not do

  C. I’d rather not have done

  D. I’d better have not done

  選C。would rather接完成式表示對已發(fā)生的事情感到自責,具有虛擬的語氣,其否定式在rather后加not。

  10. He often keeps English _______ ___________,

  A. week; tidily  B. weekly; orderly  C. the week; tidy  D. weeks; friendly

  選B。English weekly指《英語周報》,其中weekly為名詞;keep意思是“使……處于某種狀態(tài)”,故此應該使用形容詞作賓補,結合句意,應該是“他的《英語周報》報紙經(jīng)常保存的井井有條”。

[標簽:高考 復習 英語]






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